Reading for learning.  Reading for living.  Reading for pleasure.

"The library is not just full of books, but also opportunities."

What's happening in the Library

Yr 6 students have been very industrious in creating a special "literary" something for their Kinder buddies. The item is nearing completion with Yr 6 very excited to "share" and present the item to their buddy. 


Yr 3, 4, 5 viewed a Youtube presentation by acclaimed Australian author John Heffernan, reading "The Island".  John has been to our school a number of times, and I hope to invite him back as soon as possible. The writing workshop which follows encourages the students to write their own sequel to the story. When we are finished we will collate our ideas and share them with John. 

Kinders, Yr 1 and Yr 2 are enjoying listening to new picture books and using the "think aloud" strategy to verbalise how and why we choose the books we choose.  Ask your child what their "think aloud" was for the book they chose.


We have started the term with a huge assortment of new books on varied topics and genres. Remind your child of their library day and library bag so they can enjoy these.

Everybody loves a new book.

Thank you Mrs McGuirk for purchasing these books for everyone to enjoy!


Book Fair is scheduled for Term 4, Week 7 (16 - 18 November) let's hope. This will be a great opportunity for some Christmas shopping and 2022 birthday gifts. I have not given up on a possible dress-up day so stay tuned.


This new iPad is still absent. This item is integral to the function of the library and quite an expensive piece of technology. Please ask your child about this.


St Nicholas School Library subscribes to this wonderful free resource. 


This resource is available for use at home FREE of charge. 

Home access details will be available on Compass soon.


Download the free App to access this online reading resource provided for us by the Catholic Schools Office through our Oliver Library Program. The App will ask you for your school - simply keep typing in ACEN which is the group we are connected to and you will eventually get in and be able to access thousands of books for yourself and your children.


Just a reminder of the day your child visits the library. All students, K - 6 must have a library bag. This is listed as a requirement on the student Equipment List each year.

MONDAY:  Yr 6, 

TUESDAY:  Yr 2, Yr 3, 

WEDNESDAY:  Yr 1, Yr 5, 

THURSDAY:  Kindergarten, Yr 4


Teach Resilience and Responsibility

Remind your child what day their library visit occurs then give them the responsibility of bringing the library bag to school on that day. If they miss that day explain to them, as I do, that they may bring it the following day.


We will always find time for a student to borrow.


Thank you for assisting your child in presenting with a library bag to begin the year.

Students in Year 5 and 6 may purchase a bag from the library for $1.


LIBRARY BAGS MATTER...  Not just some of the time but all of the time.


No food or drink on my books.

Food and drink are for the chooks.

Library bags keep ‘em clean.

Books are cool don’t treat ‘em mean.

Bring your bag every time.

Fill it up and get in line.

Have it scanned and scoot on out.


We all shout