All powerful and ever living God, source of all holiness, we rejoice in the holy men and women of every time and place. May the prayers of your saints bring us your forgiveness and love. May our hearts be on fire with your love. 


We pray ...

We pray for... all students preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation, for all Year 12 students, in particular, the McCarthy Catholic College students as they prepare for the HSC, for the Johns Family (Torah KC and Spencer 1B) on the safe arrival of their precious son/brother, for all our loved ones who have gone to be with our heavenly Father, for the Edgar family (Max 4M and Ben 2HS) on the passing of their grandfather and the Westhorpe Family (Lucy 4P) on the passing of their grandfather and for all the families of our St Nicholas School community who have recently lost loved ones.  



All Saints Day (Monday 1st November)

All Saints day is a day where we remember the holy men and women in our Church who lived lives that were dedicated to following God and living their faith through word and action. The life of Australia’s first Saint; Saint Mary of the Cross is a reminder to all of us on how we can pray to the saints for their intercession of our prayers and how we can follow their example of how to be a witness to our faith.


All Souls Day (Tuesday 2nd November)

All Souls’ Day is traditionally the annual commemoration of the Faithful Departed. It is a time for our community to remember deceased family members and friends.



The Sacrament of Confirmation has been rescheduled for the weekend of 27th and 28th November 2021.


The Sacrament of Confirmation will be conferred at St Nicholas Church by Bishop Michael Kennedy at three scheduled Masses; Saturday 27th November at 6pm, Sunday 28th November at 7.30am and 9.30am. Candidates and their families will attend one of the specified Masses according to their surname. A note will be sent home on Monday confirming the Mass date/time for each candidate.


Please ensure all relevant paperwork and payment (if not already received) is submitted no later than Monday, 1st November.

October – Decade a Day 

Each day this week different grades have been taking turns to pray a decade of the Rosary for the month of October. You may even like to pray the Rosary in your own home. The Rosary helps us to see our human lives in the light of Christ. It is a prayer that can be prayed at any time; however its simplicity and repetition make the Rosary particularly helpful in life’s pauses, journeys and moments of waiting.