Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.

Winston Churchill

To the St Nicholas School Community


World Teachers Day

Tomorrow is International World Teachers Day. The day provides an opportunity for us to think about the positive impact a particular teacher may have had on our lives. There are certainly a few teachers I thank for getting me to where I am today.


Tomorrow also brings with it a feeling of gratitude. As principal of St Nicholas I am extremely grateful for the calabre, dedication, professionalism and friendship of the St Nicholas staff. Our staff are a pleasure to lead, and as a parent I am very grateful my children have the opportunity to be educated by them.


If the chance arises, please reach out and thank a teacher tomorrow. A simple thank you will mean more than you could ever imagine!


Kinder Orientation

In my professional opinion the move to formal Primary School Education is the biggest transition a child will encounter. St Nicholas’ therefore has a responsibility to support our new students. We also have a responsibility to support our parents, so they can support their child.


This week the parents of our 2022 kindergarten students received a digital presentation of information generally distributed at a parent information evening. COVID restrictions have prevented the traditional evening from going ahead this year, though they have not affected St Nicholas' commitment to supporting our parents and families with this transition.

Tomorrow we will welcome our 2022 Kindergarten cohort for their first orientation day. Days like this remind me of the responsibility we hold as educators. They are also a time of gratitude, as we thank our new parents for trusting us to work in partnership with them to formally educate their greatest love.


Staff News: Congratulations Hannah Matheson and Katlin Kelly

It is with great joy I announce the expected arrival of:

  • A second child for Mrs Hannah Matheson and her husband Dylan.
  • A second child for Mrs Katlin Kelly and her husband Kirk.

Both Hannah and Katlin are due in the new year. I am sure you will join with me in both congratulating these two families and wishing them a smooth and healthy pregnancy.


School TV: Managing Overwhelm

Due to the pandemic, the world we now live in is a very different place. The hyperconnected nature of our current environment means that we are constantly being reminded of the challenges we face via numerous media and social media channels. Our connectivity to the digital world exposes us to a barrage of messages that can leave us feeling overwhelmed. As a result, many children and their parents are reporting higher levels of stress and anxiety.


This Special Report suggests a number of strategies to help manage any overwhelming feelings that you or your child may be experiencing. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help.


Please click on this link to access your report.


Parent Survey's

A reminder parents are encourage to complete a short survey, as communicated on the 19th October to provide feedback on our school. We are asking for your feedback from day to day operations, through to St Nicholas’ Improvement agenda.


If you have not done so already,please click on this link to complete the short survey.


'Food for Thought' Brain Teaser for Week 4

To add a small element of fun as we wind down to Christmas, my weekly address will now include a brain teaser or riddle for the week. 


This weeks brain teaser: 

  • What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years?

The 32nd student to see Mr Unwin (after 8.30am) tomorrow with the correct answer will win a canteen meal voucher to be used on the day of their choosing.  


Have a great weekend.


John Clery