Careers & Pathways News
Students and families/carers are welcome to make an appointment with me to discuss career concerns. Most appointments will be over google-meets for the rest of 2021 and back on site in 2022.
To make an appointment:
- Open the website
- Look for the ‘Book an appointment’ link. This is found at the top left hand corner of the website, or under the ‘For Students’ menu
- Select the day you would like to attend from the calendar view.
- Choose ‘Rhonda Cadman’ under the ‘teacher’ tab and the available times for that day will appear.
- Complete all areas in the online form and select ‘Book Appointment’
- A confirmation message will appear on your screen.
- You will receive a confirmation email from the Collingwood Careers website.
Please note the following:
- DO NOT REPLY TO THE EMAIL YOU RECEIVE. The booking is made through an external booking system.
- To advise a cancellation, please email:
- It is recommended that you put an appointment time in your google calendar and set a reminder so you don't forget your time.
- As a courtesy to me, and also to your peers, please remember to email me to cancel the appointment if you can no longer attend.
- If you are missing class time to attend this appointment, you must check with your teacher to ensure that you are not going to miss any assessments or other essential classroom activities.
- If your teacher asks, show them your appointment confirmation email.
Year 12 update
Congratulations to all Year 12 students nearing the end of your secondary schooling. It has been my pleasure to meet with many of you over the last few months.
A few last reminders:
Results notifications: Create your account for results and ATAR
The VCAA and VTAC operate a results service via an app and also a website page.
To access this service, students need to set up an account. Your VTAC account will not allow you access to this system.
Your VCE study scores, ATAR and VTAC Scaled Study Scores will be available to you via the Results and ATAR website and the Results and ATAR app. All current VCE students will receive a statement of VCE study scores from the VCAA. However, only students who have applied for courses through VTAC this year and have paid their VTAC processing fees will be sent an ATAR statement in the mail.
To view your results online, log on to using the instructions provided there. Note: The Results and ATAR service log in details are different from your VTAC ID and PIN.
VCE students can access their ATAR in the VTAC account.
Here is a link for more information about the results service:
Here is the link to the registration page:
Change of Preference Help
I will be available to assist you with any questions you may have about Change of Preference. You have until Monday 20 December to make any changes to your preferences in your VTAC account.
Watch your emails, google classrooms, and Compass for more information about support for Change of Preference.
Year 11 Update
I’m looking forward to meeting our current Year 11s during the transition period later in the term.
Year 11s will be given a short careers survey as a way for me to get a picture of what plans you have for after secondary school.
The summer break might be a good time to set aside some thinking time about what your hopes are for life after high school.
One on one appointments will be scheduled early in 2022.
Year 9 Update
Thank you to Year 9 students and families for participation in the final stage of the Morrisby/My Career Insights program. More than 45 one on one interviews took place in October with independent careers counsellors. The feedback from the counsellors was extremely positive - they told me that students were engaged in the process and were very curious.
Remember - Morrisby is a tool you can use throughout your studies - and even when you leave school - to help you to consider career related decisions.
Things for Year 9s to look forward to in 2022 include participation in the year 10 work experience program. We’re hopeful that work experience will be able to proceed safely in 2022. Students: start using your Morrisby report to think about what your work experience placement could be.
It was disappointing to have the Real Industry Job Interview (RIJI) program be cancelled in 2021. Plans are being in put in place to enable some interview skills training to take place in 2022.
Careers Education at Collingwood College
The next few weeks I will be planning a career education calendar and program for 2022.
What would you like to see happen in this space? If you have any ideas or concerns, please let me know.
Looking forward to working with you all in the New Year.
Rhonda Cadman
Careers & Pathways