Primary School News
Primary School
Dear Families
It's been a busy week with the full return to onsite for all of our students. Teachers have worked really hard to create space for the students to reacquaint themselves through outdoor games, cooperative group work and outdoor walking excursions.
The students have come back with such positive energy. I am reminded at times like these just how resilient children are.
Lots of planning has gone into creating opportunities for discovery of our local area and beyond. Classes are going out on local excursions and further afield. Our Year 5 and 6 students have been tree surfing and trampolining. These experiences are important for creating new memories and establishing a sense of belonging.
A timely reminder for all to be wearing hats again, our SunSmart policy can be viewed here:
Today leadership met with Miriam from Green Apron Catering. Our canteen will be back to its normal operating hours on Tuesday, November 9th. We have devised a covid safe protocol for the remainder of 2021.
- Prep - Year 6 students will have to place an order for lunches via Flexischools App or via paper bag with money enclosed. This will be collected by Miriam from every classroom each morning.
- Orders will be delivered to the classrooms at 12:45pm.
- Canteen snacks will be available to Primary students at lunch time on the outdoor decked area next to the canteen. This is for icy poles, fruit cups and other snacks only.
We would like everyone to be aware and make note of these important changes. They are vital to the safe running of our canteen. These protocols are put in place in order to keep the students in Primary and Secondary cohorts separate from each other.
Thank you everyone for your ongoing cooperation.
Margaret Doucas
Primary School Assistant Principal
Prep Reggio Return to School
Prep Reggio have loved coming back to school and having the chance to play and socialise with each other. They have especially enjoyed digging in the sandpit, climbing trees and playing chasey.
The sandpit has brought so much joy to the children who have been spending so much time indoors during lockdown.
Jane Gray
Prep Reggio Teacher
Class 6C Steiner studied Biomes at the end of Term 3. They learnt about all the different ecosystems on Earth including deserts, tundras, grasslands and more. To celebrate their Main Lesson, which was completed by remote learning, the class presented their dioramas on our class Google Meeting.
Jo Windred
Class 6 Teacher
Online Drawing Classes
The Primary School Art students, have participated in online Still-Life drawing classes and Observational drawing
Students have created amazing artworks.
Angela Dionysopoulos
Visual Art/Performing Arts
Please click on the attachment below to see a list of Stringed instruments for sale. If you have an instrument for sale please email Naomi at: