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Their Care

Dear families, 


Our spring holidays were busy and full of interesting activities, despite we are still in lockdown.

It didn’t disturb us to work hard and with great enthusiasm.

We had double digits of children each day, which shows not only an interesting program, but strong relations we have with community and school as well.

Holiday program was dedicated to Monsters, which is one of the most favourite imaginary friends of all ages!

We did:

Woolly Monsters 

Footy Skills & Match

Rainbow warrior activities

Monster Sculpture

Creatures from Outer Space

Googley Eye Monster Slime

Water colour pictures


Watched movie and made its characters


We had as well:

Giant bubbles

Water skill’s game

Making accessories

Lego and Uno competitions





Tag game

Water gun fight




Poison ball

Everybody was in a game and many other activities we won’t name as it takes way too much time of yours to read!


All days included interesting sports and team-building games, which helped children to improve their communication skills, problem solving and to get rid of extra energy.

We hope to have more interesting craft activities like water painting and making slimes etc.

Despite the current situation with no incursions and excursion, children and families are totally satisfied with our service and the range of activities we provide for different age groups.

We want to remind you that we are in a summer now, so please follow the SunSmart policy: add hats to the children’s bags and apply/give them sunscreen in case they can’t use the one we provide.

Promise to keep on going the same way and even better!

Be safe and see you soon,

Kateryna & Ryger

Ride2School Poster Competition

To start the new term off with a bang, our National Ride2School Day poster competition is now open!

Entries close Tuesday 30 November 2021.