Helping Hands

Need a Hand, Parents?

You may be aware that the number of active COVID infections in our local area have been rising rapidly over the last few weeks. COVID is such an infectious virus - it doesn't just affect people who break the lockdown rules. COVID is also infecting people who are very careful and follow all the rules.  


We all must face the reality that sooner or later, families in our own school community will be infected with COVID, at no fault of their own. Even vaccinated people can still catch COVID, and 'mild' COVID can still make people feel very unwell. 


Kate, our PA Treasurer, was talking with a friend recently about how our children would be affected if anyone in our home caught COVID. Would we be ashamed to tell others we were sick? Would other families automatically assume we broke the lockdown rules, even though we hadn't? Would our children be rejected among friends once they recovered? 


It's important that we talk with our kids to help them understand that COVID doesn't discriminate - it doesn't just infect people who did the wrong thing. People who catch COVID are not bad. If someone from school catches COVID, they will need to stay at home and stay away from school until they are better. While they are sick, there may be practical ways we can help their family - by organising meals to drop off, do their shopping for them or run errands that they can't do themselves because they need to stay home. And once they are better, we should all be happy to welcome them back to school and play with their friends just like everyone else. 


And what if you or your family get sick with COVID? It can be difficult to manage our everyday responsibilities when we are also caring for sick children or elderly parents. And even harder if we are sick at the same time. How will you manage to organise meals and shopping etc if you can't leave your house at all? Our school community is ready, and we will be proud to assist you, through our private and anonymous "Helping Hands" volunteer program.  


What sorts of help can you ask for? Anything that might make it easier for you to rest, recover and take care of yourself and your family. Everyone's needs might be different, but here's a few examples: 

  • Cook up some extra family meals so you don't need to cook
  • Do some shopping for you
  • Take your dog for walks
  • Return and collect library books
  • Lend you family board games, jigsaw puzzles, or something else to entertain your children while you stay home

 All you need to do is: 

  1. Contact the school office on 9802 5277 or
  2. Talk to the school so we can understand what you need
  3. The school will contact our Helping Hands volunteers  (The school does not tell the volunteers who needs the help - your details and circumstances are kept private.)
  4. Volunteers choose how they can help, and bring whatever is needed to the school office
  5. The school can then arrange private delivery to your home at a time that suits you

Please everyone - take care, and ask for help when you need it.