Curriculum News

This week we had an artist in residence Sally Heinrich join us at Clovelly Park Primary School. She  was completing a collaborative piece based upon the book week theme "Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds".


Maths in G4 is fun.  We have been learning about money.  We have connected this to our times tables (counting by multiples of 2, 5 and 10) and using this to help us count money more efficiently.  We have used the plastic class money to play shops and to practise buying things and giving the correct money.  The challenging part is working out the correct change to give if the ‘customer’ doesn’t have the right amount of money.  This helps us in real life when we have to go to the shops to buy items.  The plastic $50.00 and $100.00 notes are the most popular!!


Over the course of last term and this term, B2 have been working on 3D printing and solving problems for astronauts in space. We decided to create games for astronauts to use in zero gravity by applying the "Design Thinking"  process. The process has allowed students to develop their critical and creative thinking skills in 2D modelling and spatial awareness. We will be 3D printing the games over the next couple of weeks and a select group of students will be invited to attend a showcase at Lot 14 in the city to show off their designs.