
The latest ‘Squid Games’ craze. Is it appropriate for kids?

Dr Justin Coulson is a highly regarded expert in the field of parenting and he is endorsed by the Department for Education. He acknowledges that parenting is tough and provides practical tips and a common sense approach to help parents navigate their way through challenging times. 

In one of his latest Apple podcasts, #372 ‘Is the Squid for your kid?’ Justin and his wife Kylie discuss the latest craze associated with the Netflix series, ‘Squid Games’, rated Mature Audience MA 15+.

Squid games is a craze sweeping across schools. Children are being bombarded through YouTube and Roblox with ‘Squid’ themed games and videos. The television series turns childhood games into a competition for money where participants are eliminated by being killed in horrible ways. Viewers are exposed to scary adult themes which are not developmentally age appropriate for students in primary school. 

Some children are playing ‘Squid’ themed games at school, being exposed online, and have peers watching it and talking about it. 

What can you do as a parent? 

  • Supervise children when they are online playing games, watching videos or communicating on social media
  • Ensure parental controls are activated on devices
  • Have important conversations with your children that matter 

When speaking to your children:

Explore - Ask questions such as: What do you know? What have you heard? What are your friends talking about? How do you feel about it?

Explain - Explain that it’s natural to be curious about the show, talk about the inappropriateness of the themes for children, and that it doesn’t match the values you’re trying to teach them. 

Empower - Encourage your children to pay attention to how it makes them feel inside. Build an internal awareness and prompt them to listen to their internal voice. 

Teach them how to respond to keep themselves safe. 


Please encourage your child to speak to the Wellbeing Leaders at school (Ms Emma and Ms Chloe) if they would like to discuss their concerns around this game and what they have been exposed to.

For more information consider watching the whole podcast below:

https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/dr-justin-coulsons-happy-  families/id1082244480?i=10005381357488 (Apple Podcast link) 

Articles | Happy Families (There are more articles on different themes on this website)


Mindfulness with Miss VG and Kshama

This week students participated in a mindfulness program with Miss VG.  They talked about identifying and regulating their emotions stemming from the 5 senses of hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and touching.  The students enjoyed meeting Kshama, the border collie and took turns in patting her in a calm and peaceful manner.