General Information

Finance Matters - Materials & Services Charges 2022 - Notice

In accordance with government Administrative Instructions and Guidelines issued by The Department for Education relating to the Materials and Services Charges for 2022, please find below the proposed "Notice of Charges" for Reception - Year 6.


The "Notice of Charges" provides a breakdown of the actual Materials and Services Charges. 

Clovelly Park Primary School is now officially notifying parent/caregivers that the Materials and Services Charges for 2022 will be presented to the Governing Council’s meeting to be held on Tuesday 23rd November 2021 at 7pm for discussion and approval. 


Accordingly, parent/caregivers are invited to attend the meeting as they are to all Governing Council meetings. However voting is restricted only to elected members of the Governing Council.  If you are interested in attending please advise the front office by Friday 19th November 2021.


In Lieu of attendance at the meeting, parents can express their views in writing to the Chairperson.  


Parent/caregivers are also advised the Materials and Services Charges cover only essential curriculum requirements. There may be additional costs for excursions, camps and other activities throughout the year.


If parents/caregivers have any questions please refer them to the Business Manager, Cathy Wisdom on (08) 8276 5366.



School Uniform

Please remember in Term 4 all students are required to wear a hat for all outdoor play.

All students are expected in be in school uniform everyday.  Please contact the school office for any uniform enquiries.



2022 Reception Enrolments

If you have a child, or know of a child who is starting school next year please contact the office for an enrolment pack as soon as possible.  We look forward to building positive relationships with you and your child.  Learning through play is our biggest motivator in and out of the classroom.  The first year of schooling for your child will include Inquiry Based Learning, Literacy, Reading, Phonemic Awareness and Numeracy skills.

Team play
Reading Focus
Inquiry based learing
Inquiry based learning
Team play
Reading Focus
Inquiry based learing
Inquiry based learning


Class placement 2022

As our funding and class structures are determined based on the number of students enrolled at our school, we need your support so that we have accurate student numbers. If you have not yet informed us that your child will be enrolling and starting next year, or moving schools at the end of 2021, please send a message to your child's class teacher via See Saw by Monday 8 November. 

If you are yet to complete to complete an enrolment form, please speak to the front offoce staff. 

When deciding on placement of students in new classes, it is important that we consider our teachers comments and insights. To add to this information, we invite parents to also provide information. A form regarding the placement of your child in a class for 2022 was sent home with students. If you wish to have your information considered as part of the placement process,  please return the form as a matter of urgency as this information was due today (29/10/21).