PAC / Wellbeing Report

Mrs Mellissa Bell

Welcome back to another busy term. Our students have started the term well, classrooms are full of positive and engaged learners, exploring new ideas and testing their skills. The goal now is to continue this momentum as we begin to speed towards the end of the year. One area for focus, however, is the way in which we wear our uniforms. Students have been reminded of the appropriate days for them to wear their sports uniform and to ensure that they are in correct footwear. This is a work, health and safety issue, particularly for the science and technology rooms. Please check the school diaries for clarification around the summer uniform. Pastoral teachers will continue to work with students and families around this issue. Students must be in O’Connor sports shorts or tracksuit pants on sports days.


I have had a few members of staff and parents reach out to me in regards to their growing concern over a popular show on Netflix, SQUID GAME. I encourage you to talk to your child if they are watching this series. A recent communication from Safe on Social Media describes the series as one of intense violence and is not appropriate for young people. I have included a Safe on Social - SQUID GAME to their recent article about this highly popular program for you to be well informed. Teachers have raised their concerns based on the conversations they are hearing as they move about the school.


Please remember that if you are concerned about the wellbeing of your child that we are able to offer a wide range of support within the school. It is best to contact either your child’s PAC teacher or LOL-Year and they will work with you to ensure that they are able to engage in the best support for them. We are fortunate to have both Jason Newcombe, our school provisional psychologist, on staff full time but also Mr Harper as the Wellbeing Officer. You may also choose to contact them directly via the school office. I mention this as I am only too well aware of the anxieties many of us face as we begin to transition back to a life where no longer is there the threat of lockdowns etc, but of learning to live with Covid in our broader community.


Mellissa Bell

Leader of Learning - Pastoral Academic Care and Wellbeing