Junior School

Year 5 Student Leadership Speeches

This afternoon, the candidates for next year’s Junior School Student Leaders presented their speeches in the College Chapel before students voted. The location of our speeches and voting signifies the importance of the process and that at the College, leadership is seen as a ministry of service to the community.


The boys who made it to this point in the process are:

Christopher Ayoub Joseph Showah
Ryan Banaghan Max Simon 
Paul Boumelhem Dimitri Staveris 
Ryan Grogan Yianni Thanos
Olawe Kelly Hanku Jack Trad
Patrick McDonald Nathan Wong

Once the results are tallied, Dr Lavorato and I will meet with and offer the leadership positions (Captain and Vice-Captains) to the successful students. The boys will then be able to let their parents/carers know before an announcement is made to the community.


House Captains and Vice-Captains will be voted for in a separate process and announced before the end of Term 4. All Junior School Student Leaders will be commissioned and ‘badged’ early in 2022, hopefully at a College Assembly if these are permitted.

Year 6 Thanksgiving Mass

As Year 6 parents/carers know, this year’s Year 6 Thanksgiving Mass will be live streamed from the Chapel so parents/carers can join in from home or work. We are sorry that we cannot all gather in person, but we are grateful the technology permits us to formally mark and celebrate the end of primary schooling together, virtually.


The link to the live event that was emailed yesterday can also be accessed here.

Optional Parent/Teacher Interviews

Junior School parents/carers are reminded that optional (online or by telephone) Parent/Teacher Interviews may be requested on Monday 6 December from 8: 00 AM-11:00 AM and from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM.


Please email the class teacher directly to request either a Teams meeting or a phone call.

Year 6 Students of the Fortnight

The most recent Year 6 Student of the Fortnight Award recipients are:

Luca SerratoreHenry Britten
Luca FrigoLachlan McDonald
Rhys BurnicleNoah Hurtado
Jonathan BerkmannHarvey Truscott

Congratulations to all these boys!


God bless,


Ben Munday

Director of Junior School