Parents & Friends

Twilight Fair - Where is your help needed most?

Who doesn't like a hot spud or a hamburger for dinner?  Hot Potatoes and BBQ & Salads are some of our popular and tastiest food stalls at the Twilight Fair and they need your help!  Not many parents have signed up for these areas yet as you can see below, so if you're not sure where to help at this year's fair, click on these stalls when you SIGN UP TO SERVE and offer your time.  It would be much appreciated!



Thank you for our P&F Father's Day Stall

This week our P&F ran a very successful Father's Day stall and raised around $1,500 - well done!  A BIG thank you to LCS parents Amy Kamphuis and Margaret Dingemanse for their organisation of this event.  They were greatly helped by a number of students, parents and staff in our school community.   A group of wonderful mums and grandmas gave generously of their time, materials and skills to make items for the Father’s Day Stall, and spent hours helping  wrap and package other goodies.  Thank  you  to Blanche Bejah, Carolyn McTurk, Sandra Tsakissiris, Heather Shennan, Cassie Jordan, Lisa de Graf, Sally Carter, Lyndle van Zetten, Patricia Crampsie and Anne-Marie Martin for their help.   Some students and teachers also helped make items to sell and this included Year 8 students David Brown and Xavier Huizenga,  Mr Lundie and Mr Gracie, who gave up their lunchtimes to make some fantastic wooden chopping boards.  LCS are very grateful to everyone for their time and talents in making this stall a huge success once again.  We hope our Father's enjoy their wonderful gifts this weekend!

Twilght Fair - Sign up to Serve!

Parents are now able to SIGN UP TO SERVE at our annual Twilight Fair which is being held on Friday 8th November from 5 - 8pm.  This is a time when we come together as a school community to help the P&F raise funds for much needed projects around the school.  This year funds will be used to construct a new Middle/Senior Outdoor Recreation Area.  Parents are reminded that as per the Parent Partnership Agreement signed upon enrolment,  we need your help and a minimum of one hour of time from both parents to make our fair a success.   To SIGN UP TO SERVE click HERE


We are still in need of Parent Representatives for many stalls  - to see our current list of needs download our stall list below.

If you have any questions, please contact our Parents & Friends who will be happy to help:

BBQ Trailer for Hire

Did you know that LCS owns a large BBQ trailer that is available for hire outside of the school?

The trailer is a 3 x 6 burner and to hire, just download our Application for Hire Form below. 

Completed forms can be dropped off or emailed to our office.  For further information, please contact our office,