The Principal's Report

Year 6 Camp

Our Year 6 students, staff and parents have been at Waratah Bay camp this week. As part of the camp they spend lots of time taking part in adventure activities, and on the beach sand sculpting and learning to surf. They also go on day trips and yesterday were headed out exploring rock pools. We have had regular updates, with photographs that have been sent out to parents via Sentral. 

Our campers are having a great time and we expect them back at school by 3pm Friday March 15th. 

Has your child ever said they do not want to go to school?

It is important to come to school every day, each day adds to the development of skills and knowledge and the development of your child's social and emotional skills. 

Lots of families will have found themselves with a child not wanting to go to school. What do you do if your child says they don't want to come to school? 

If your child refuses to come to school then let us know, tell us why your child does not want to come. They may be upset at school or the thought of going to school.


This could be because of:

  • bullying
  • feeling lonely or not having friends
  • felling behind in work or poor grades
  • they don’t like their subjects, teachers or other students
  • illness or mental health
  • disability
  • behaviour or development delays
  • bad sleep habits
  • learning at home is not encouraged
  • relationship breakdowns
  • hobbies or family commitments
  • cultural differences between home and school.

It can be normal for children to go through a stage where they refuse to go to school.

It’s important to find out why they don’t want to go to school. You can assist by speaking to your child about what’s happening. Then work with them and the school to find solutions. You should always start by talking to child's teacher. The principal team member connected to your child's class can provide you with support and advise as needed. We are all here to make sure our students get the most out of their schooling. As a team we can support those who have difficulty coming to school. 


Going to school

Whole School Expo

Do you have the Whole School Identity Expo in your calendar? Please join us on Tuesday April 2nd. More information will be provided in upcoming newsletters. 

Information Night Questions

One of the questions on Information Night was around the Prep Interviews that took place on Wednesdays in February. Our team of teachers has used the data from these sessions to build a program based specifically around the needs of their students. It has enabled them to better focus the work that they undertake with this group of Foundation students. Some of the results will be shared with parents at Parent Teacher Interviews. The results are used to build the learning program, develop teaching groups and gain specific information about students literacy and numeracy skills. Whilst the Victorian Curriculum gives us the focus of our programs, each group of new students brings their own skills and abilities that can impact on how the learning program is delivered. 

Good Neighbour Day

Do you know your neighbours? I have lived in the same place for 20 years and am lucky to have really good neighbours. Past neighbours have now become friends who I enjoy visiting and spending time with. For many of us we are busy with full schedules and may not get the time we want to make connections wtih those in our community.

I thought I would take the time to share the following from the RUOK website.


The community you want starts at your front door

  • By

Did you know people living in neighbourhoods that are highly connected enjoy, overall, higher levels of physical and mental health?


That’s why today, we’re encouraging you to join us in getting behind Australia’s annual celebration of community and connection – Neighbour Day. This year’s theme is ‘loneliness – what can neighbours do to create connections.’


In the lead up to this year’s Neighbour Day on Sunday, March 31 we’re encouraging you to find ways that you can create meaningful connections with your neighbours to help end loneliness of Australia.


What are the benefits of reaching out to your neighbours?

Good relationships with neighbours can change communities and have a positive effect on everybody within the community. Other benefits can include:

- developing new friendships

- feeling an increased sense of security

- being able to ask your neighbour to keep an eye on your home, collect your mail or feed your pet while you're away on holidays. Even give you that extra egg or cup of sugar when you need it.


Why is social connection in your neighbourhood so important?

We know social connections are good for our mental and physical health but sadly as we get older our social network can shrink and the risk of feeling lonely increases. By taking time to reach out to older people who may be feeling socially isolated you can change this. We all feel better when we belong and getting involved in Neighbour Day's a great place to start.


If you reach out to a Neighbour and they aren’t ok, what can you do?

Starting the conversation is a great first step. To help them out, try these simple steps:

1.    Ask R U OK? Find the right time and place and start a conversation

2.    Listen with an open mind. Don’t try and fix the problem. Instead, let them know they’re not alone and you’re there for them

3.    Ask some questions that can help them identify possible next steps

4.    Check in - Stay in touch and ask how they are again soon

For more suggestions, visit:



What can you do to create connections this Neighbour Day?

R U OK? is encouraging all Australian’s to get involved in Neighbour Day on Sunday 31 March 2019. It can be as simple as a few friendly words across the back fence. If you are feeling like taking it a step further and being a true legend, you could invite an elderly neighbour for a cuppa, organise a community get together, or make an effort to stop for a chat with someone when you’re walking the dog.


You can access free material to help you organise a successful Neighbour Day event – including posters, invitations, connection cards, selfie signs, flyers and helpful tips here.


If you’re hosting an event, be sure to register on the Neighbour Day website

Annual General Meeting 

Our Annual General Meeting of School Council will take place on Wednesday March 27th from 7pm. This is a public meeting and we would welcome your attendance. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

A reminder - that our Parent Teacher Interviews take place next Wednesday March 20th. This will be a Pupil Free Day and interviews will commence at 2pm. We hope that you have all taken the time to book an interview time with your child's teacher.