Middle School 

From the Head of Middle School 

This week we have started some outdoor activities with the Year Nine cohort as a replacement for the loss of their camp. Nine expert staff from the Outdoor Education Group (OEG) have come over to GSG to run a range of outdoor activities including canoeing, hiking, camp cooking, campcraft, bush art and environmental awareness. It is a jam-packed two and a half days exploring our backyard. When we announced the change of program the students let out a cheer. I am not sure if they are keen to be in the outdoors or just have a couple of days out of class!

While this isn’t quite a camp there are great benefits from camp activities. It gets students out of their normal routine and puts them into situations where they need to communicate and make decisions that they would not normally do. These decisions influence how comfortable they will be. If they decide to paddle by standing up in a canoe then the consequences can be dramatic. Wet gear and a soggy afternoon. Cooking your own lunch on a camp stove brings an amazing sense of satisfaction. Food always tastes better after a long walk when you have patiently cooked it yourself. 


Detaching from IT and getting out into nature can change a student’s perspective on life. Of course, they won’t always agree with people in their group, and they may even argue, but they do learn to live with others, much like the real world. As teachers, we often see a different side of students on camps. Some thrive in the outdoors, some come out of their shell, some struggle with resilience but they all end up with new memories.


As parents please encourage your child to share their experiences and ask them what was hard, what they learned and what they appreciate now? 


Next week it will be the Year Eight students' turn. They will spend two days at Camp Quaranup doing the activities they would have done on camp. This includes a cruise around King George Sound. There is a lot to look forward to.


Mr Adam Scott | Head of Middle School