From the Deputy Principal

School photo day postponed 

Due to the current restrictions to visitors on campus, we have postponed the school photo day to later in the year.  Further information about a new date will be provided later in the year. 

Road upgrade

As you know, we have commenced a road upgrade at the main entrance to the school.  The boarding area is looking particularly good and now it’s time to look at Phase 2 of this project which includes widening the main entrance, changing the layout of the road slightly and improving the functionality of the road. In order to ensure that this work is complete for the start of Term Two, we will be commencing these works in the last week of this term.


This will require changes to the way we access the campus.  The main access point will be through the Gym entrance road and parking areas will be changed to accommodate all drivers and to help with safe drop off and pick up for students. 


Please note that bus access points will also be changed and in order to ensure the safe and smooth running of the buses it is vital we all adhere to the instructions about set down and pick up zones and ensuring access ways are kept clear.  More information will be provided in coming weeks.

Driving on campus

We have missed having parents on campus in the way we were able to last year, but I have been lucky enough to have had the opportunity to chat to some of you through car windows and outside at drop off and pick up times, when there is lots of movement of students, families, their cars and our many buses.  I would like to remind you that we have students on campus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which makes it really important we all drive slowly and with caution around the school campus regardless of when we are on campus. Most days I arrive early at school and am sometimes dismayed to see cars doing before school drop offs moving at far higher speeds than the recommended 10 km per hour speed. Unfortunately, I see cars moving at speed through the campus at all times of the day, into the evenings and at weekends.  Please remember that our children do not have the same road sense as adults and we need vehicles to be moving slowly in order for both pedestrians and drivers to respond appropriately. 


If you are moving through the boarding precinct, please be particularly careful as there is a pedestrian crossing just after the intersection into boarding.  This pedestrian crossing is used at all times of day and night.   Thank you in advance for your support in looking after our children.

Uniform Shop closed

The Uniform Shop will be closed next week on Monday and Wednesday but will be open this Friday and next Friday, as usual.  Should your child require any urgent uniform items, please contact Reception on 9844 0301 or 


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal