Faith and Mission

From the Director of Mission
Lenten Reflection
Each Wednesday all staff are invited to a time of voluntary prayer and reflection; enabling us to take some time out of our busy schedules to give God some space in our lives. This Lenten season our reflections have taken the theme of ‘Listening to the heartbeat of God’ where through reading biblical texts, engaging in spiritual reflection, and intentionally making space for God, we will actively seek to listen for God during this Lenten season. Our scripture focus this week was from Luke’s Gospel.
“By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:78-79, NRSV).
We asked ourselves to reflect on the following questions.
What words spoke to you this morning? What words will stay with you today? What faces do you see when you heard these words?
Ms Martina O'Connell
Director of Mission
Lent at Loreto
During this time of pandemic, war and extreme weather events, Lent provides us with an invitation to ponder the deeper realities of life. At Loreto, our rhythm of morning prayer orients us to the concerns of our hearts and wider world. On Monday I reflected with Year 2s on their differing images of God during Morning Prayer. Their responses included: God is like a fire that warms us up, God is love, God is kindness, God is peace, God is in silence, God is like a tree that keeps growing, God is in birth and death, God is like a friend. It struck me that people living with these images of God would probably not lead us into dark places of war and conflict.
Anne Muirhead
REC R-6 and College Liturgist
Mary Ward Sisters in Ukraine
We have been receiving updates from the Generalates of the IBVM and CJ Sisters in Rome, alerting us to the plight of a number of Mary Ward Sisters who have remained in Kyiv to minister to vulnerable populations, such as the Roma. Sisters in Slovakia have also been responding to the plight of Ukrainians fleeing from their homeland. In response to calls for prayerful solidarity, Year 3 students created beautiful pictures of sunflowers that were sent to Rome and published on social media for our Sisters in Ukraine to see. Donations can be made to the Caritas Australia – Caritas Ukraine Appeal:
Anne Muirhead
REC R-6 and College Liturgist
Mary Ward Connect
On Friday the 4 March, Year 10 students from all Loreto and Loreto associated schools gathered online to participate in Mary Ward connect for 2022. The theme for this year was “Go set the world on fire: Stretching the Charism to new Beginnings”. The theme focused on the extraordinary life of Mother Teresa Ball and the courage that she showed to continue with her vision of setting up schools under the Mary Ward Charism. Teresa’s visions was so well received that she began to receive requests to set up new schools across Ireland and around the world. The girls connected with their Loreto sisters in Normanhurst, Ballart, Coorparoo, Toorak, and Kirribilli. They heard girls from across Australia and Ireland talk together about the influence that Mary Ward and Mother Teresa Ball has on their lives. In the afternoon, the girls listened to Sr Pat Hanvey (Zambia), Sr Patricia McLaughlin (Peru), Clare Wood and Susannah Wallman (WA) about the extraordinary work that they do to support people in need throughout the world. They girls challenged to go where the need is greatest, and to be seekers of truth and doers of Justice. We hope that the day has inspired our girls to live out the words of Mother Teresa Ball and to go out and set the world on fire.
Martina O’Connell
Director of Mission
International Women's Day Liturgy
International Women’s Day commenced in The Patch at Loreto with a Liturgy for all Year 12 students and interested staff. Members of the Student Executive led various parts of the Liturgy which highlighted women from our land and faith tradition, including: Lowitja O’Donoghue, Mary Ward, Mother Gonzaga Barry, Mother Stanislaus Mulhall, Mother Emilian McGrath and Priscilla, a graduate of Loreto Rumbek, South Sudan. Against the backdrop of these incredible women, Dr Archard challenged Year 12s to continue the legacy of strong, passionate and confident Loreto women who have graced this school across the past 117 years. We also reflected on the United Nations IWD theme: Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow. During Assembly senior students heard from Ms Fiza Khosla, the Community Engagement Co-ordinator of Mary Ward International Australia, who highlighted an ethical enterprise project in West Bengal, India, that supports local women. Students in their Mentor Groups then created paper chains with loops highlighting women of significance and influence in their lives and our world. Our Mary Ward statue was decorated with the colours of the nineteenth century women’s movement – green, purple and white. Junior students participated in a special prayer and Year 5s learnt about the impact of Mary Ward on our world today.
Ms Anne Muirhead
REC R-6 & College Liturgist
Province Congregation
Across next week the Loreto Province of Australia and South East Asia will hold its Province Congregation. Sisters from Vietnam, Timor Leste, the Philippines and Australia will gather online for this once-in-eight year event. A Province Congregation includes reports from various committees, eg finance, justice, and ministries, eg Loreto Ministries and Mary Ward International Australia. The Sisters spend time planning and discerning future directions, listening to the needs of our world, remembering those who have died, and electing delegates to attend the IBVM General Congregation in Spain later in the year at which a new General Leadership Team is elected. The Province website and Facebook page are interesting points of connection for members of our community who are interested in the affairs of the wider Province. We offer our prayerful support to Sr Wendy Hildebrand ibvm, her Province Council and all Loreto Sisters for this important gathering.
Ms Anne Muirhead
REC R-6 & College Liturgist