From the College Chaplain

Rev. Paul Yarrow - Chaplain

“The devastating floods in southeast Queensland and NSW, the war in Ukraine, a new strain of COVID-19, I am not sure how much more we can face!” was a comment made to me last week. “I’m feeling fatigued, and I have not been personally affected,” she said.


In particular, the last few months have brought suffering and hardship close to home.  Like my friend, we too may be feeling weary emotionally and experiencing a sense of tiredness. The year has only just begun, and it seems like we have had a heavy load to bear.


Jesus’ words, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28), are an invitation promising the offer of hope, peace, tranquillity and refreshment.


This does not come by ignoring the pain or avoiding the facts but by acknowledging our sense of helplessness and turning to God, who can bring relief to distressed minds and restore our wellbeing.


This same promise is also for those whose work responsibilities, family expectations or the desire to please others has become a heavy burden. However, whatever our burden may be, Jesus’ invitation is for us all.