Principal's Report

Official Opening of our School Ovals

It is with great pleasure that I announce that our official opening of the school oval will be on Wednesday 16th March.  We are just in the process of organising the afternoon where the official party will be opening the school oval and surrounding gardens.  At this stage we are joining with OSCHClub and will be holding a sausage sizzle for all of our staff, students and any families that would like to attend our special afternoon. More information will be going home very soon.  We are looking forward to our whole community celebrating our amazing facilities. 


School Tours 

I have started school tours for 2022 Prep enrolments.  If you know anyone that would be interested in our school, please extend an invitation to them to call and book a tour time at the office. Our first round of school tours is beginning on the 17th of March.


Classroom Helpers Program

Leah Hodgson has been running sessions for our Classroom Parent Helpers Program during term one. Thirty-four parents are completing this program which has laid a foundation for classroom support and has given parents some good strategies to help their own children with their reading and learning. Thank you to all parents that are taking the time to be supported and guided in great teaching and learning strategies, while giving back to the school and helping our students. A huge thank-you to Leah for her passion and enthusiasm and dedication to Literacy learning in our school. 


School Council Election Results 2022

School Council nominations have closed, we received nominations for the number of vacancies, meaning no election is required. Congratulations to our returning parent school council members, and a very warm welcome to our new school council members.

Returning members:

  • Mick Holden 
  • Jessica Petchell
  • Deborah Boettcher
  • Sharon Walker
  • Morten Windfeld-Lund
  • James Burrows
  • Marcus Cook
  • Rachel Husar

We warmly welcome our new parent representatives:

  • Sarah Kiss
  • Serge Tolmachev


Thank you to our staff representatives:

  • Leah Hodgson
  • Saascha Cargill
  • Lisa Baker
  • Kristy Foster
  • Leanne Jennings


We are fortunate that our school council is a cohesive group of interested and committed parents who work together for the betterment of the school. As well as buildings and grounds projects and fundraising, school council also manages the school finances, approves school policies, manages the school canteen and coordinates activities.


The Hubsters

If you cannot be a member of school council but are interested in supporting the school community, there are many other ways to get involved in school life. Our Community Hub is always keen to welcome new members. This group meets once a month. For working parents that cannot come to meetings you can still be involved by assisting with the many activities our Hub organise throughout the year. If you are interested in joining, please give your details to the office and we will welcome you with open arms.


Easter Raffle

It’s time for our annual Easter Raffle.  We are asking for Easter donations, Easter eggs, chocolate, and anything else related to Easter.  Please leave your donations at the office or with your classroom teacher. The raffle will be drawn at “Happy Hour” on Friday 8th April starting at approximately 11.30am. For all of our new families we celebrate the end of term with a festive music concert held at the front of the school. All grades perform a song that they have been working on in music classes. Please bring your chairs along and join us on the front netball court. (more details to come soon) 


We rely on your support with Easter egg donations to make this raffle a success and to kick off our fundraising for the year. If everyone made a small donation our prizes would indeed be amazing.  Thanking you in advance for your continued support. Raffle Tickets and a flyer will be sent home in the coming weeks.  More tickets can be sent home if required.  Thank you to those families that are able to sell many tickets at their workplaces or sporting events etc. we appreciate your efforts. 


Athletics Day

I hope everyone can appreciate that we were unable to hold our athletics on Friday due to unforeseen circumstances.  Many hours of preparation and organisation go into a day of this calibre and I would like to personally thank Taylah Russell for this. In reference to a backup day, schools don’t have the ability to have a backup day as the venues are fully booked for the year with back up days only being given to Division or District events. Please understand that we were as disappointed for the students as they were.  We will however hold our BHPS Athletics Day at school using our wonderful school facilities. More information and dates will be sent home shortly.  A BIG thank you to the many parents who volunteered to support the day, we will still need your assistance in running the day at school.  We will announce all details in the coming weeks. 


National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence- Dress up in something orange

The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence will be held next Friday 18th March.  The theme for 2022 is Take Action Together. At next Friday’s assembly the focus will be on “The National Day of Bullying”.  All classes will be represented at the assembly and showcase something that they have been working on.  This day is now a regular on our school calendar and a wonderful reminder to everyone to be kind and considerate and say NO WAY!!. All children are encouraged to wear something orange on the day and are not required to wear school uniform. 


Have a great Weekend!


Leanne Jennings