Our Lenten Prayer 

in 'The Loft'

In 2022 we have a wonderful new learning space - 'The Loft'! (Last year it was 5/6SC's classroom.) 'The Loft' is a contemplative space. It is a space where classes or levels will gather to pray, to reflect, to share in Circle Time, to discuss issues or whatever we need a quiet reflective space for!


The beauty of 'The Loft' space is that it is through the blue doors and up a small flight of stairs. So it is secluded and removed from the busy noise of the school day. Moving up the flight of stairs is a physical reminder to the students that they are moving into a different space, a quiet space, a place to reflect.


This week and next 'The Loft' is set up as a Lenten prayer space reflecting on the Temptation of Jesus in the Desert. Each class will visit over the two week period and reflect on the reading from the Gospel of Luke (Lk 4:1-13) the Gospel from the First Sunday in Lent. The photos below show the instructions as the students enter, the central prayer focus that is set up in the room, the individual prayer focus that the students create through the service and finally how to pack up, so that it is ready for the next class.


The symbols used are purple for Lent, a cross, a symbol of St Luke, sand for the desert, a rock that says. "NO" as Jesus said, "No" to the devil, an empty bowl as Jesus fasted for the 40 days, a globe as the devil offered Jesus the world and some angels who the devil said would take care of Jesus.


Our next theme in 'The Loft' will be for Harmony Day. Where a Harmony Day Circle Time will be set up for classes to visit over the week when COHR celebrates Harmony Day on Wednesday 23rd March.