School Council News

School Council Office Bearers 2022

The election for the 2022 School Council Office Bearers was held last Wednesday night.

School Council President - Sarah Meachem

School Council Vice President – Anthony Morris

School Council Treasurer – Madeleine Steele

School Council Minute Secretary – Rubani Paul

School Policies

At the last School Council meeting the Child Safe Standard Policy, Child Safety Code of Conduct, First Aid Policy 2022 and Medication Poilcy 2022 were reviewed and ratified.  They will be made available on the School’s website. 


2022 Spring Fair

Our Spring Fair this year will be held on Sunday 20th November.


Georgina Akkerman and Beth Wilson are joint convenors of the Spring Fair Committee, thank you both for your commitment to the school.


We had our first meeting last week and are looking for people who may be able to assist with running or supporting the following functions:

Food Stalls Coordinator

General Stalls Coordinator

Operations Coordinator – Bump In, Bump Out and equipment


The next meeting of the Spring Fair Committee is Tuesday 10th May at 7pm – venue to be advised.


Sarah Meachem

School Council President