Special Diets Investigation

Year 9 LEAP Class

Special Diets - Year 9 LEAP

As part of our investigation on special diets, we visited the Year7 LEAP class and undertook an informative presentation regarding Diabetes. After our presentation, we ended with a Kahoot where the winners received a homemade Diabetic cupcake, whilst the other members of the class received Diabetic lollies. Overall, it was an enjoyable experience for both our group and the class, and we were pleased that we taught members of our school community on this topic.   


By Stephanie Venianakis

Our focus this term, was to explore special diets and educate an audience of our choice. Our group decided to target the Year 7 LEAP class, undertaking a presentation on the topic of Diabetes. We concluded the session with a Kahoot, testing the knowledge absorbed from our presentation. We also baked Diabetic cupcakes to support our topic, which made the assessment more practical and enjoyable. 


By Georgia Trpcevski

This assessment was a fun new experience for all of us I would say. I loved the way we had complete freedom over what we did, how we got to choose how it was approached and how we incorporate a practical component. Our options were wide open within this and that’s what made it so special. The main purpose of this assessment was to teach another class, to expand their knowledge on our chosen diet which was diabetes. Unlike other classes, there weren’t as many limitations, just two requirements and that was all. First, we had to select a dietary requirement of our choosing, something we wanted to learn more about and teach to others. Secondly, we had to present information and teach a specifically selected group of students which was 7I. We had roughly 5-6 weeks to complete this assessment and we chose to spend that time making a PowerPoint to present to the class, create a kahoot to test the classes knowledge and we cooked some diabetic chocolate cupcakes to provide to the top 5 winners along with diabetic lollies for the rest of the class. This project was a time well spent which I think classes in the future will surely enjoy.


By Claire Reemus