From the Principal Class

Welcome to our first newsletter for Term 2.
There is a strong feeling of gratitude as the new term begins. We are really grateful that we weathered the storm of COVID; that we are back together as a school community and moving even closer to ‘normal’; and for the opportunity to work with such a dedicated and determined community at this school. I know that many staff and students felt very tired at the end of last term. I hope the mid term break provided an opportunity for everyone to enjoy a good rest and some time together with family and friends.
A number of staffing changes have occurred at the beginning of this term. From this term, we welcome Belinda Galea who will be taking on the Visual Arts/Photography vacancy for the remaining of the year. We also welcome Sarah Neubacher who will be taking on the Dance vacancy for the remaining of the year. Finally, we welcome Larissa (Lara) Ratten (LRA) who will be taking on the ES Science Laboratory Assistant vacancy for the remaining of the year. Welcome back to Candy Zoccoli and Marie Di Quattro who both return from leave this term.
As you read this edition of the newsletter, you will notice that our students have been actively engaging with the community, both locally and more broadly, in many different ways over recent weeks. Whether through welcoming parents to the college at the LEAP and Football Academy Information Evenings and parent morning tours; leading and catering for our annual breakfast, participating in sporting events and year level excursions, our students have shown themselves to be excellent representatives of Taylors Lakes Secondary College, and leaders whom we can be extremely proud of. Their positive behaviour and attitude is regularly noticed and appreciated by all members of the College community.
Facilities Update
The college continues to maintain a proactive focus on improving the facilities and working environment for our students and staff as it pursues an unprecedented schedule of facility upgrades and developments.
You would've noticed a lot of work occurring with our redevelopment project on our sporting facilities. Over the last few weeks, we have been meeting regularly with the VSBA, architects and builders. These meetings are critical and essential to keep up with the progress being made. We have also got the opportunity to see the initial works already undertaken in the gymnasium which is very exciting.
It is expected that the gymnasium should be completed by the end of May but this could change due to materials and supplies being available. The completion of the whole project should be around the end of July/early August.
From this term, there will be a change in access to our school grounds for all students who are entering from the oval/recreational club. Students will now enter from the back gates near the science portable (S20). This will be a temporary access for the next month as the project moves to the next stage of redevelopment. A temporary walking path has been laid for students and staff to use. The previous access has been closed off and students should note that this back gate will close after 9:00am. Students who come to school after 9:00am will need to enter through the general office as per previous protocols.
Western Chances Ceremony
The annual Western Chances Scholarships Awards Ceremony was held at Deakin Edge Theatre at Federation Square on Wednesday 23 March 2023. Of the 200 new scholarships awarded, Taylors Lakes Secondary College students obtained more than 20. Several TLSC students represented the school at the ceremony in front of a large crowd and a huge online audience of more than two thousand.
It is wonderful to see so many of our students acknowledged for their outstanding academic performance across many areas of the curriculum.
The ceremony was also very moving and inspiring, and demonstrated the power of education. It was viewed online by students, parents and staff who were unable to attend the ceremony.
Congratulations to all those who were awarded a 2022 scholarship. We thank the staff who generously gave up their time to complete the associated paperwork and to nominate students or complete renewal applications. This is genuinely appreciated.
VCE Season of Excellence - Top Designs
Congratulations to Aimeree Manabat of Year 12 whose VET Screen Media work (Final Project and Folio) is part of this year’s VCE Season of Excellence: Top Designs Exhibition at Melbourne Museum.
The exhibition displays outstanding student work from 2021in the areas of art and design (Media, VET Screen Media, Visual Communication, Systems Engineering and Design Technology).
This exhibition will be on display to the public until July so if you get a chance to visit the museum over the next few months, please be sure to check out this exhibition. Some of the work on display are simply amazing! Opening night was on Friday April 1st 2022 with more than 300 guests.
Thank you to Catherine Damon for supporting Aimeree during her VET course and for nominating her.
Professional Learning Sessions for Staff
Monday, May 9th 2022, will be a Pupil Free Day for the students of the college. Students do not attend school on this day. On this day staff will be involved in professional learning across the day, centered around the work from the Berry Street Educational Model. This is the second day of a four day course. The other two sessions will be held in Semester 2 2022. Please note that the General Office will also be closed on this day.
On Monday, May 30th 2022, all students will finish early at 2pm. This will enable all teaching staff to attend to a professional learning session from 2:30pm - 4:30pm centered on the use of differentiated strategies to support instructional practice in Deep Learning. Both of these professional learning sessions have been approved by College Council.
Year 10-12 Exams
Parent Information Evening: Monday 23rd May 2022, 7pm
Years 10-12 students and their parents are invited to a Parent Information Evening on Monday May 23rd 2022. The focus of the presentation is how you as parents can best support your child through the senior years and VCE which can be a stressful time for many students and parents.
The presentation will include general information on effective strategies for preparing and completing exams, how to organise time outside of school in the lead up to exams, and advice on how to manage stress and remain healthy during the exam period. How the VCE is structured and assessed will also be briefly covered. The session will run from 7:00pm - 8:30pm. More information will be provided closer to the date whether the information will be held online or onsite. We look forward to seeing you there.