Kindergarten News


It was a week for science experiments in Marram group this week.

 On Tuesday our Mandarin teacher, Christina, led the children in a science experiment demonstrating how when water droplets grow heavy in the sky, gravity pulls them down from the clouds as rain. Christina also taught the children the Chinese word for ‘blue’ which they added to their knowledge of the colour red.

 On Thursday we extended the children’s learning with another science experiment, this time involving colour mixing, and the concept of capillary action. It was very exciting to watch the colours ‘jump’ from one cup to the next. During this experiment, the children were able to apply their prior knowledge of the Chinese names for the colours blue and red, their knowledge of primary and secondary colours, and the concept of hypothesising. 


Working together as a group also provided the children the opportunity to practice important social skills such as turn taking, listening and co-operation. Thank you to our children for another wonderful week at kindergarten 


Theresa and Mardi


Well, we certainly packed a lot of learning into our week with the Budja class!! 

From visiting the school oval  and practicing a race for the twilight sports, spending time engaging in conceptual discussions, linking knowledge of colours to learning in Mandarin with Cristina and even partaking in some group drawing through learning to break pictures down into shapes. 


The children were really excited to discuss the snail that was brought in, these open ended discussions are such an incredible way that Teachers can scaffold the breadth of learning that we facilitate in Early Childhood. Leading the discussion to areas of size, pattern, literacy, numeracy and personal agency all occurs through moments of curiosity and engagement. The children shared prior knowledge and then collectively found or shared hypothesis's around elements of the snail- how it moved was a challenging concept, with some children thinking it's 'slime pushed it', while others believed it 'had a sticky bottom'.  The eyes and lower tentacles were very confusing also, after much debate, the children decided the larger 'stalks' were it's eyes and the lower ones were 'pincers that grab food and push it into it's mouth!'. 


We definitely have a class of deep and curious thinkers! 


This week we are going to begin to unpack identity through the lens of looking at ourselves. We are excited to see where this will lead us! 


Al, Carol and Mardi.  



A beautiful week of learning in which we looked at many ways and formats that incorporate capacity and volume. Using measurement and number, as we followed our play dough recipe, was a wonderful way to incorporate a cause and effect experience. Using the small and large blocks allowed for us to discuss height, length, size and shape as well as spatial awareness, be open to ideas and suggestions from peers and problem solve.


Cristina engaged the children with another cause and effect, trial and error experience - making rain clouds to support and link the colour blue as part of her ‘colours in Mandarin’ program.


We have begun to discuss ‘feelings’ and ‘ourselves’. We listened to a song and an audio book around this topic as well as draw a picture of ourselves. We will continue to unpack our understandings as we look at ourselves as we address Belonging, Being and Becoming.


Have a fabulous week!

Kelly-Anne, Amelia and Cristina

Wimbi and Dharug:

We do pack a lot into our one day for each of our three year old groups. We are loving the indoor and outdoors home corner where there has been many occasions to build on social experiences, take turns, role play and convey and construct messages with purpose.


There has been a huge interest in drawing! It has been wonderful to be able to write their thoughts and ideas accompanying their depictions as they celebrate their achievements. 

There had been some delight to discover ‘making colours’ through painting at the art easel. Some coloured blocks at the light table has assimilated this as well as discussion around shape and size. 


Big muscle movement in the sandpit, swings, shell tracing with chalk boards as well as texture and pattern discoveries with shells and kinetic sand have been awesome ways to support gross and fine motor skills. 


The children have been really engaged in small group time book reading. We have started to teach some sign language that accompany the books we are reading – they are thoroughly loving this communication style.


Have a fantastic week!

Kelly-Anne, Amelia and Nicole.