Leadership Centre

Term 1 Week 6


Selamat sore!

It was another exciting week in the Leadership Centre! The atmosphere was building all week as one of the most anticipated events of the year was just around the corner… Twilight Sports! It was wonderful to see so many families come together on Thursday evening to celebrate and cheer on our four Houses: Eugenia, Diosma, Lorikeet and Oleanda. The enthusiasm and team-spirit on display was palpable and only made the event more enjoyable. Our Year 6 Sports Leadership Team worked very hard to assist Mrs Butterworth who we would like to thank for running yet another successful Twilight Sports! Well done to all the Year 6 students who also assisted in a variety of roles such as marshalling, photography, setting up equipment and much more. Congratulations to all students who participated and demonstrated great sportsmanship. We are already looking forward to the next Twilight Sports.

Last week, students continued to work on preparing their End of Year Excursion plans where they have worked collaboratively to apply a range of problem-solving strategies to organise their events. Students have thoughtfully decided on possible events and ideas and have calculated budgets to ensure their idea is a realistic one that all students can attend. In addition, students have demonstrated exceptional organisational skills as they have created detailed schedules and timetables to outline the structure of what their day might look like whilst on the excursion. To do this, students considered travel time to and from the venue and how this may differ between hiring transport or travelling on public transport and the impact this has on the final costing. Students have also included break and toilet times to ensure all students have an enjoyable time.


Whilst there is a strong Mathematics focus, students have also continued to develop their literacy skills within the ‘End of Year Excursion’ project. As we wrapped up our Narrative writing unit, we began our Persuasive unit which has kicked off with students writing a proposal letter to Mrs Streitberger convincing her of the benefits of an End of Year excursion. Incorporating high modality words, persuasive devices and emotive language has been the focus of this writing task and we are looking forward to getting Mrs Steitberger’s feedback. Furthermore, students have considered and identified possible risks that they may encounter during an excursion and have created Risk Assessments in Guided Learning with a teacher, to discuss possible treatments. Students have appreciated the real-world connections that they have made throughout the project and have enjoyed gaining insight into what staff must do to organise such events.

In Wellbeing, students explored what it means to be a responsible digital citizen and engaged in a Circle Time to discuss how we can consistently demonstrate the school values of respect, responsibility, life-long learning, integrity and inclusion whilst using digital technologies. It is important for families to regularly discuss happy and healthy digital technology habits and to establish expectations as a family. 


This term students of the Leadership Centre have cooked up a storm and have made some mouth-watering recipes including apple & strawberry crumble, zucchini chocolate muffins and vegetarian pasta! We can't wait to see what other recipes we will get to try in the next coming weeks.




Have a wonderful week,

Mrs Brisbane, Miss Walker, Miss Campbell, Ms Bennetts, Mr Burrill and Mr Dix 

NAPLAN - Year 3 and 5

To ensure a smooth transition for the upcoming NAPLAN tests in May, students in Years 3 and 5 will undertake a practice test in late March (date TBC). The data from the practice test will not be used for assessment purposes but to familiarise students with the format. Over the next week or two, please ensure all students in Years 3 and 5 have downloaded the NAP Locked Down Browser App or have updated it to its latest update. 

Student Voice

  • Lily K - "I enjoyed planning the excursion because we had the independence to pick where we would like to go. What challenged me was the forms we had to fill out and give to the principal and I discovered that there is a lot of hard work that goes in to planning these excursions!"
  • Samanvi K - "I enjoyed writing a proposal  to Mrs Streitberger for our end of year excursion and using emotive language to persuade her that an excursion will be important for the students to celebrate all of their hard work"
  • Russell Y - "My group calculated the travel time to and from the venue and looked at the difference between hiring transport and taking public transport so we could make the best choice"


  • Camp permission forms signed and handed in by Monday March 7th.
  • Camp final payments due Friday March 18th. 
  • Students are required to bring labelled headphones to use while at school
  • Donation of tissue boxes to use in the classroom would be greatly appreciated

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Iris B -

For challenging yourself when editing and up-levelling your Tightening Tension writing piece. Well done on reflecting on your work and challenging yourself to include higher level adjectives, and a range of different connectives! 


5/6C: Elena A -

For challenging yourself when completing the Black Cockatoo, reading portfolio task. Well done for making accurate inferences about the chosen passage and sharing your ideas during whole-class discussions. 


5/6D:  Maki P -

Well done on using your love of learning to research your native Australian animal that lives in the desert. It has been excellent to see your research and investigation into physical and behavioural adaptations Maki! 


5/6EB: Harish U -

For using perseverance to achieve your personal goal at Twilight Sports and for sharing your love of learning by mentoring your peers in a library study group. Keep up the great work, Harish!


5/6W: Natasha G -

For challenging yourself to include a range of interesting descriptive words and phrases in your narrative! It was great to see you reflect on the progress you have made in your writing and identify your next steps. Fabulous work, Natasha.