Parents & Friends 

 Well done to all our enthusiastic participants at Twilight Sports last week. It was great to see such a large turn out of families. 


🎂 Thank you to Sarah Kirby who donated prizes for both the Junior & Senior raffle last week. I know there was a lot of buzz around buying tickets. 

Junior Raffle tickets are sold at 2pm on Wednesday while students are on their Recess break, and just before Junior Assembly begins so there’s less chance of tickets being lost. 

Senior Raffle Tickets are available to purchase before school on Fridays. 

Last week’s raffle raised $70.20 and I think we’re close to breaking the record this year for the most amount raised in such a short amount of time! 

Remember to bring your money along this week - tickets are 20c each or 6 for $1. 


☕️ We will be holding our first P&F Meeting of the year on Thursday the 10th of March at 9am in the Hall. Everyone is welcome. We’ll be discussing parent class reps, and upcoming fundraising for the year, as well as putting together any ideas you have about future events. It would be lovely to see you there 😊

We’re still on the lookout for a couple of class reps - 3/4C, 3/4R, 5/6C, 5/6D and 5/6W. If you’re interested in the role, and want to know more, please feel free to get in touch. You may even want to buddy up with another parent in the same grade and share the role. 


🗑 Thank you to Ebony Balaz who organised a Clean Up Crew at Dagola Reserve yesterday for Clean Up Australia Day. While the weather wasn’t the best, it was still a fantastic effort. 


🥣 If you are finding yourself struggling financially during this time, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Jess who is our Community Services Representative. She will maintain the strictest of privacy and can help with getting food on the table for your family. 

Similarly, if you find yourself in a secure financial place at the moment, you might like to reach out to Jess to see how you can provide confidential support to others in our community. You can email Jess at:


👍🏻 If you haven’t already, please join the Parents Facebook group:

It is a great place to stay up to date with school events and connect with fellow parents. 


📪If you would like more information regarding the Parents & Friends community, the email address is or you can find me through the Parent Facebook Group. 



Flip McKinnon

Parents & Friends Co-ordinator