From the Middle Years Leader 

Cody Bruce 

Middle School Snapshots/Traffic Lights

These were posted home at the end of Week 5. I hope you had valuable conversations with your child around their progress. 


Year 7 English 

Here are some snaps from Year 7 Poetry from the past weeks. 

Year 12 Integrated Learning Hospitality

With Mrs Coe away,  Ms Amey and I have been taking the Integrated Learning Hospitality class. They have been working on cutting techniques for their first gourmet task. Next task, is the origins of pizza. 

Prawn Pesto Salad
Fruit Salad
Prawn Pesto Salad
Fruit Salad

One Plans

If your child requires a One Plan (OCOP), we have created goals with your child and homegroup teachers, mentor teachers and our AET have been busy putting these together. You will be asked if you haven't already, to come in and add your perception and goals for your child. This will then be signed off. If you child requires additional support, teachers are gathering 10 weeks of evidence to submit to the Inclusive Education Support Program platform.