From the Principal

Steven Barclay

Hi Everyone,


The term is flying by and we are already close to the end of Term 1. Please keep your eye out on our Facebook page, emails and texts as lots of things may change at the last minute as we begin to see more Covid cases in the community.


All schools in our partnership have now had positive Covid cases and it is important that we remain vigilant. If a student is unwell or has symptoms they should not attend school and should arrange a PCR test. If you or any of your family contracts Covid we would really appreciate it if you could let the school so that we can identify and inform classroom/close contacts. 


SA Health do not inform schools of students with Covid so we really rely on parents keeping us up to date. Please check the SA Health website to keep up to date and we will continue to share information on any major changes.


Stay safe everyone

Steven Barclay