Secondary 9/10

9/10 A
It has been a fabulous Term 1 for Secondary 9/10A; well done to all students.
Experience Day has been a real highlight, with local trips to Binnak Park, Watsonia Shops and slightly more adventurous outings to Hanging Rock and the Organ Pipes. The visit to Blender Studios was a great day, and all students showed much creativity. The students learnt many things on Experience Day this term, including aspects of Melbourne and its culture, landmarks and landforms, and they also had fun with all of their friends.
The students worked hard during STEAM, maths, reading and writing, and their lessons. We are looking forward to a great Term 2.
Students in Secondary 9/10B have been strengthening their social connections with each other and within the section as students joined in to help celebrate the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. We partnered up with 9/10A, 9/10D and 9/10H to explore the theme of kindness. Students spent the day making small craft items like bracelets and trinket boxes to gift to someone special. As part of our Discovery unit, this term, we have been exploring our own family culture and using maps to make connections within Australia. Students have enjoyed sharing some of their family stories of their traditions. We continued to develop our knowledge of Geography and learnt the difference between a landmark and landform and how these create a landscape.
Our Experience day’s this term is to explore different landscapes and to be able to identify the other landforms around us. Students have had the opportunity to explore Hanging Rock and Organ Pipes National Park to identify the landforms within these landscapes. Students were shocked to learn that the Organ Pipes were made of molten lava and enjoyed looking for some of the scoria rock around the park. Students have compared man-made landscapes versus natural landscapes this term through our Experience Days in the city. Students learnt about cityscapes and Melbourne culture as we explored the laneways of Street Art and partook in a Street Art workshop. STEAM this term has focused on our understanding of landscapes, and students have been designing and developing their landscapes through recycled materials to construct many of the landforms learnt in our Discovery unit.
It was a fabulous day out for our Secondary Sports Day. Everyone participated in all the activities, and we decided that the chicken throwing and sack races were the best events of the day.
9/10 C
In Secondary 9/10C we had a great time visiting the Royal Botanic Gardens by completing an Aboriginal Heritage Walk. During the walk we discussed different plants and how they were used as medicines and food by the Aboriginal people. The guides taught us some Aboriginal language which we practised using and told us stories from their history.
This term we celebrated National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, in which we wrote compliments for others in the school and spoke about strategies to use if bullying occurs. We loved going to the Secondary Athletics Day and participating in a range of activities like the egg and spoon race, 100m sprint and hurdles.
9/10 D
We’ve had an amazing first term in 9/10D. The students have come back to full-time schooling ready to learn and with great energy.
As part of our Discovery Unit on Australian History, we went on a trip to the Botanic Gardens to participate in an Aboriginal Learning Walk. We joined up with 9/10F to do a Gold Rush Activity. Students were tasked with finding gold, but beware, the troopers were ready to lock you up if you were found without your licence! Teachers were troopers, and students were miners.
Another highlight was taking part in the Day Against Bullying. It gave the students a chance to spend time with people from other classes and spread the theme of kindness to all. We teamed up with three different classes to make gifts for special people in our lives.
9/10 E
2022 has delivered the first full ‘onsite’ term in two years, and 9/10E have made the most of it!. Early in the term, we developed our classroom behaviour norms of being kind, respectful, hardworking, resilient and working as a team. Each morning we go for a class walk on the oval to check-in, chat, strengthen relationships and get ready for learning.
In Literacy, we have studied an Australian book called ‘Black Cockatoo to explore vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and oral language. Part of our targeted small group teaching has also focused on phonics, fluency, and phonological awareness.
Highlights this term include interviewing family and friends, writing historical recounts, Fit For Life activities, our excursion to the Botanical Gardens and the highly successful sports day at Meadowglen in Epping.
9/10 F
Secondary 9/10F has made a great start to the year and taken giant steps forward for their learning. Well done to everyone.
In Literacy, we have enjoyed reading a class novel (Black Cockatoo) and connecting to the various links with culture, our country and the challenges of caring for an animal.
In Numeracy, we have worked on various topics, including data, measurement, and addition. Some of us are adding two 5-digit numbers and calculating some seriously huge numbers.
We are very proud of all of our work this term and looking forward to meeting the challenges that come next term.
9/10 G
What a start to 2022 for Secondary 9/10G; we began the year ready to learn and eager to get back to a “normal” schooling life. From day one, students have come in every day with a positive attitude, a willingness to learn and the mindset to explore and try new things. This has made the classroom an amazing place to be and provides a fun and positive learning environment.
We have had many highlights in the class to date, with students creating a recount from a chosen perspective concerning the Stolen Generation, applying maths learning to the real world, and understanding why we are learning these concepts. Students were able to get creative and share their knowledge of historical events that have shaped Australia. We also had the opportunity with being onsite to share in a celebration of the National Day Against Bullying, which saw the students create a section kindness wall and enjoy a sausage in bread for lunch.
Out of the classroom, we were lucky enough to get along on an excursion to the Royal Botanical Gardens to explore how the First Nations People used the land to live and how this is still happening. We also got to head to Meadowglen athletics track for Secondary Sports Day, where the students participated in a range of events and conducted themselves fantastically. I can not wait to see what learning can be achieved in term two and how the students will grow.
9/10 H
What a wonderful start to the year we have had in 9/10H! The students have displayed a growth mindset, resilience and confidence this term as we have settled into our learning. Some highlights in the classroom include some wonderfully creative recount Writing, applying Maths to real world scenarios, deepening our understanding of Australian history and culture through an Indigenous Australian perspective and celebrating the National Day Against Bullying and Violence.
Beyond the classroom we enjoyed the senior school sports day and our first excursion in a long time to the Royal Botanic Gardens. I look forward to all of the fantastic learning opportunities that are set to take place next term!