Team Leaders Message

It was a successful term as students and staff negotiated the transition back to school for our first full uninterrupted term since 2019.
We are proud of our students as they faced the challenge of returning to school with resilience, confidence, humour, and a growth mindset. We would like to thank parents, careers, and the wider Concord community for your ongoing support of our students and the Secondary 9/10 staff. The dedication, commitment, and passion you display every day are a testament to everyone's ongoing goal to support our students to be the best they can be.
In Literacy, students studied the short novel Black Cockatoo by Carl Merrison and Hakea Hustler, using the text to practise their reading skills. The students learnt about the power of standing up for themselves, First People's culture and the importance of family. Students explored Australia's history by researching and writing personal, historical recounts and biographies to display their new learnings and develop their writing craft.
Our Maths focus for the term was identifying and improving our maths skills in 'real world' scenarios and equations. Students developed their place value, addition and subtraction, data interruption, graphing, and measurement skills
to help solve a range of problem-solving activities.
As part of our mixed program, students participated in a Discovery Unit excursion. Students visited the Royal Botanical Garden and partook in an Aboriginal Heritage Walk. The Aboriginal Heritage walk took our students around the Botanic Gardens to identify the First Nations people's significant plants, culture, history, and customs.
As a part of the Secondary 9/10 A/B teaching and learning program, students participated in a range of experiences to enrich their learning of our Discovery Unit. Students travelled to Blender Studios, Bundoora Park Farm, Melbourne CBD, Hanging Rock and the Organ Pipes National Park.
Across the Secondary 9/10 section, students have been applying meaningful maths, science, and technology content to solve real-world problems through hands-on learning activities and creative design. Students have participated in a range of subjects designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the 21st century, including Claymation, Audio Engineering, Street Art, Fashion Design, Bike Mechanics and kitchen Science, Bundoora Park,
Fit For Life continues to be a highlight with students working together to support students to make decisions about their health, wellbeing, safety and participation in physical activity. Students have participated in various activities designed to keep students active, promote healthy lifestyles, build interpersonal skills and work effectively in teams, including Dance, Ten Pin Bowling, Gym, Mini-golf, Boxing and outdoor games.
Secondary 9/10 SRC members were busy this term working together to raise awareness for the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence with our Kindness Day celebrations. Students got involved and encouraged Kindness Culture by promoting inclusion, respect, and community by organising a 9/10 BBQ, wearing orange and creating a kindness wall displayed in our building.
On Tuesday, the 29th of March, the Secondary School Athletics Carnival was held at Meadow Glen International Athletics Stadium. The students participated in several events such as long jump, shot put, 100m sprints and hurdles. It was a fantastic experience to see many examples of our school values during the events. Thank you to all the students for their exceptional conduct on the day. We would also like to thank Hayley and the Specialist Team for organising a wonderful event.
Congratulations to all Secondary 9/10 students who have demonstrated a positive attitude to learning as we conclude Term 1.
Allied Health
Occupational Therapist
This term we have added Nat to the Secondary 9/10 OT team. We have worked on building confidence in completing fine motor tasks, added extra movement to our day and started building new friendships with our classmates
Speech Therapist
This term we were lucky to add another Lauren to the Secondary 9/10 Speech team. We have been working on building our independence for reading and writing. It has been fun building relationships with peers and staff through the experience days and kindness day activities
Chris Malane Cath Sloley
Leading Teacher Leading Teacher
Teaching and Learning Wellbeing and Engagement