Positive Rewards

ACTIVITY DAYS in Remote & Flexible Learning
Dear Parents, Carers and Students
Over the past few weeks we have been running fortnightly Activity Day for each year level, which have included a range of tasks, challenges and competitions for students to engage with to complement their remote studies, which we understand have been demanding. The challenges have been designed to be achievable at home under lockdown conditions and with minimal, if any expenditure. We have arranged these for days when their classes are usually Admin sessions, so that we do not disrupt their learning.
All students have received an invitation to a morning Teams Meeting (on the days listed below) at which point the Activities have been released. Students completed as many of these Challenges as they wanted throughout the day and their efforts – a photo or video – have been submitted at the end of each day.
We hope that every student has enjoyed the opportunity to engage with these Activities and that they have provided some enjoyment. We will continue to run these Challenges, as per the schedule below and we urge you to remember that all students will need to find a balance between participating and keeping up with their learning. If one of their teachers wishes to meet with them in an Admin Session on that day then that must take priority, as should keeping up with school work and learning.
All students are encouraged to participate in these activities and reminded that Activity Days are not student-free days in any way. If a student is not participating in Activity Days then it is expected that they are completing their classwork, or are accessible to their teacher for any catch-up or group work they may be required to undertake.
Year 7 – Friday 21 August & Friday 4 September
Year 8 - Thursday 27 August & Thursday 10 September
Year 9 - Thursday 27 August & Thursday 10 September
Year 10 – Friday 21 August & Friday 4 September
Congratulations to those who have entered – here is a sample of some fantastic attempts: