Performing Arts

Welcome to the September issue of the newsletter, I would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of the fantastic successes our students are having in the Performing Arts sphere.
Firstly the instrumental music program has continued to flourish this year at John Fawkner College, even though we have had some setbacks with remote learning we are finding that the students in this program are enjoying their weekly lessons with Dan Nilsson. Each student in this program has had the chance to learn new skills on their instruments and engage in some individual and small group sessions on Microsoft teams. I am incredibly proud of the dedication the students have to this program and can’t wait to see some of them perform at awards at the end of the year, well done!
In our Music classrooms online, students have been learning about the importance of music in the world and how it can aid in brain development. A bit of a fun fact for you is did you know that when you listen to music or play an instrument it is one of the only times that you use all three parts of your brain!. Students in Year 7 are in the process of creating a brand new musical instrument by creating a design brief and thinking about what sounds and materials it could be made out of. I have been blown away by the creativity that is happening and the high order thinking from them.
In our Drama classrooms online, students have been making online storyboards to show the dramatic elements we have been learning about in classes. They have been able to create scenes and include characters to tell the story that they would normally perform live in a classroom. The engagement in this task has been outstanding from Years 8-10 and the students have enjoyed using the online platform.
As remote learning continues to change the way these subjects look I have been so encouraged by the engagement level of our students and their willingness to try different things to get their ideas across. I would like to leave you with one of my favourite quotes which highlights the importance of Music.
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” – Plato
Theresa Haddon
Performing Arts Coordinator