Chaplains Chat 

Veronica Tirchett

As we come to the end of term 3, I would like to share with you all some messages of hope. Reflecting on all that is happening in our world presently, I think it is timely for us to focus on hope.  I was challenged by this theme when I recently viewed a webinar called, “Mining for Hope.”  I love the title and use of the word, ‘mining.’  Oftentimes we have to go looking for hope, dig deep and search for it as for hidden treasure.  I believe that we can find hope in the everyday.  We just have to look for it.  I would like to share with you some of these moments that I have found this term.


What a joy it has been this term to come into the staff room on my days at work and see baked cookies from one of our parents.  To know that staff are being thought of each day and that the wider community appreciates all that the staff are doing to best support families during these difficult times is a great comfort. Just the fact of seeing these each day at work has filled my heart with hope and gratitude.  And what a kind gesture to show and model to your children as you deliver this gift each week. Thank you!


National RUOK? Day was last Thursday to help promote the mental health and wellbeing of everyone and encourage us to not only notice when things are not ok, but to take the next step and move towards some action.  Staff were blessed once again with a lovely hamper from the ‘Before and After School Team,’ along with some lovely notes from the students in the care. Two of their students, took it upon themselves to create their own posters to raise awareness of this important issue.  I am hopeful that we are raising a generation of young people who are not afraid to talk about mental health and wellbeing.  I am hopeful that the amazing staff that take care of some of your children before and after school are passionate about ALL aspects of health and wellbeing and are not afraid to have these conversations even with our young children.  What a team!


A small, yet significant gesture that really impacted me when driving to school one day was seeing a father carrying his little daughter upon his shoulders.  They both looked so happy and it made me smile.  I am hopeful that this time of “pause” has in many ways allowed us to step off the treadmill of life and stop and create memorable moments with our families. Moments that we can laugh together and even do some silly, unconventional things.  I had a laugh when I saw one of our ES staff create a fun and definitely alternate way of making her 19 year old daughter’s birthday cake.  Certainly an event made in history that will be talked of through generations to come and most of all, her daughter will quite possibly remember this as one of her best birthdays ever. 


Finally, yesterday I had a conversation with a Rotarian from the Wandin Group who have partnered with our school many times to support some of our programs as well as some individual needs.  I was curious as to why this young man decided to be a member of Rotary and what drove him to make this decision.  He simply said, that he wanted to give back to the community in some way and that he wanted to be part of a global charity that is able to do this.  He has obviously learned the important lesson that life is not all about receiving, but in giving. Opening our eyes to the needs, both big and small, of those around us and each of us doing our small part to make a positive difference where we can.  What a powerful movement! I love that our community is like this.  I love that everywhere around us, we can see this being played out.


I am hopeful that better days are ahead of us and I am hopeful that, as we continue to love, support and care for each other through whatever challenges lay ahead, that we will come through together. Be strong, because things will get better.  I choose to HOPE.

May you all have a safe and happy school holiday.

