Across Flick's Desk 

Principal's Report

What a HUGE and MEMORABLE term! 


CONGRATULATIONS to all of our families you have done it.  A term in remote and flexible learning brought daily challenges but as a school we couldn’t be prouder of you all and we thank you so much for all you have done to support us!  You all deserve this break and I hope that this beautiful weather holds out for the next two weeks. 


Term 4 details

The operations guide, (the rules we have to abide by) from the Department of Education for Term 4 has just hit my inbox so I am going to share with you the most relevant information for the students. 


Week 1, Term 4 (5th-9th October)

This week will be remote and flexible learning for ALL students P-6.  If you are a permitted worker and you need to attend work you will be required to provide the school with your permitted worker permit (for both parents/guardians) as well as fill the onsite attendance form.  I will make this available on compass in the second week of holidays. 


Week 2, Term 4 (12th October) 

P-2 students will return to onsite learning.  We know students may be feeling anxious about returning to school after learning from home for this length of time.  To support them we will have a number of strategies in place for the junior students as they return onsite and we will make the transition as smooth as possible.  If you have any major concerns for your child please contact your child’s teacher so we can put an individual plan in place.   Grade 3-6 students will continue with remote and flexible learning.  If your child needs to be onsite due to your work arrangements, the appropriate paperwork will need to be completed and returned to the school.


3-6 students returning on-site (26th October)

At this point we are hoping that our 3-6 students will return onsite in week 4 (26th October). This is dependent on case numbers and the advice from the Chief Health Officer, but we are keeping everything crossed so that we can finish the year onsite.  Obviously I will keep you informed as this date gets closer. 


Pick up times

We will again stagger pick up times to limit the amount of parents gathering at the school.   The same rules will apply as term 2, when you are picking up and dropping off your child/children you need to adhere to the 1.5m social distancing and you must wear a mask. Unfortunately we are not allowed to have parents on the school grounds.  I know this can be hard but I will be up at the kiss and drop to support your children coming down in to the school and again when they are being picked up. 


Staggered pick- ups will be at the following times:

  • Pick up times by surnames: 
  • 3.00pm A-F  
  • 3.10pm G-N  
  • 3.20pm O-Z 


School photos

I have been asked about school photos a number of times and I have some good news. I have been able to change the date for the 5th time so that we can hopefully get school photos done this year.   There will be 2 separate days. 

  • Junior school photos will be Thursday 15th October.
  • Senior school photos will be on 5th November. 
  • Sibling photos will be able to be taken at the senior school time slot.

This year due to COVID, ordering will be done through compass. Keep your eye out on compass over the holidays for the ‘how to order’ instructions.


I hope that you all have a fabulous holiday (stay-cation) with your families and I speak on behalf of the whole staff when I say that we cannot wait to see you all next term. 


Thank you again for all your support! 





A quick message from Echo Schaak Taylor - with Dixi & Bobo