Literacy and Numeracy



As the students make their transition back to onsite learning the teachers we will be beginning a range of new topics, whilst revising areas of mathematics that were taught throughout Remote Learning. 


As the mathematics continues in Term it is important to continue to work with your child on mathematics. Just as take-home reading is important, so is mathematics. When your child comes home I encourage you to ask them about their mathematics learning that day. Remember a positive attitude towards mathematics is so important. 


Some helpful questions are:

  • What was your Learning Intention in mathematics today?
  • What did you learn today?
  • Can you show me what you learnt today?
  • Can you show me a different strategy?
  • How did you feel about your mathematics learning today?
  • Would you like to revise any of your learnings today?
  • Can you be the teacher and teach me?


Mr Josh Crowe



We're Back!

It is with mixed emotions that I sent my girls back to school today.  We've been together at home for such a long time and now we're sending them back into the world with a mixture of gladness, gratitude and anxiety.


I'm sure that this week will be a roller coaster of emotions.  There'll be the joy of re-connecting with friends and teachers, the exhaustion from being focused in the classroom for longer periods of time, the anxiety of venturing out of the house and the excitement from re-gaining their independence.  No doubt, we may have to deal with grumpy, escalated students on their return home.  They may require some downtime after school, maybe some time alone and maybe a quiet space.  What an ideal time to re-establish a reading routine!


Your child will be encouraged to start borrowing from the library and to re-engage with classroom take home books.  The outdoors and sunshine may be beckoning, so perhaps consider re-establishing a pre-bedtime routine.  Anytime that works for your family, as long as it happens!


I look forward to re-connecting with you and our students this term.  Stay safe and well.


Happy reading!


Mrs Cathy Dimitrakopoulos