
Careers Report

It is a busy time in the careers area student subject selection, choosing and enrolling in VET subjects, VTAC and TAFE applications for our Year 12 students and ongoing online events to support student’s career choices. 


I have found and really positive experience to come out of our remote learning time, many parents are more able to attend careers meetings with their students perhaps because we can be more flexible with the times and some are working from home. The feedback has been really positive I hope it has been positive for all involved, please remember I can be available to set up a WebEx to discuss careers and pathways at time that suits parents/carers and students.


Remember if you see or hear something career related in the news, or read in the online materials we provide and have questions please email me at and I will get back to you to discuss or set up a time to have an online meeting.


For our Year 12 student’s, planning for what they will do beyond Scoresby, is underway. VTAC, which is the tertiary enrolment process, is open and many students are starting their VTAC application before the early application deadline of September 30 after this date the cost increases from $44 to $114 for later applications. 


Along with this comes SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme), application the non-negotiable deadline for SEAS is 5 pm on October 9.


 All applications, with supporting statements and evidence, must be submitted by 5 pm on this day.  There is no negotiating a later submission.  I also advise students to get everything in well before the deadline so there is time for VTAC to review the evidence and ask for more if required. I will be working with each student to ensure they have completed all required categories for their VTAC application.

All students applying to further study should complete a Personal statement, this is a great opportunity to tell Tertiary providers about what you are interested in, and passionate about and any extra things you have done or are involved in that are not reflected in your VCE subjects and results. 


Scholarship application is a must!  it is surprising how many scholarships don’t get taken up and they are not just for high achieving academic outcomes, everyone should complete a general scholarship application on VTAC and have a look at what is available at the institutes you are applying to.

I attended a great session last week about apprenticeships run by the OELLEN, I hope many of our students and families also attended. Here is the link to the recording for those who were unable to attend

Also attached is the latest version of the careers news, which includes information about;

VTAC 2021 Upcoming Key Dates

Richmond Institute of Sports Leadership Information Sessions

Federation University: Study for a Career in Mining Webinar

Box Hill Institute: Diploma of Nursing Pathway 

New Courses at RMIT University in 2021

Bachelor of Data Science

Diploma of Applied Technologies

Bachelor of Radiation Science (Informatics) at Monash University

Career in Carpentry & Cabinet Making

Nursing and/or Midwifery Degree Courses in Victoria in 2020

Nutrition and Dietetics Courses in Victoria in 2020 

Paramedic Courses in Victoria in 2020

Weekly career news is also available on the careers website  . 

A copy is also uploaded each week to compass and emailed to students.



Take care and stay well, regards


Ms Bronwyn Haines

Careers Co-ordinator