Positive Rewards

John Fawkner’s ‘Lockdown Legends’
During the period of Remote & Flexible Learning, John Fawkner college staff identified those students that surprised us – they were often students that normally don’t appear to prioritise their learning while at school.
We all also encountered students whose commitment to their learning continued and who adjusted to the circumstances almost seamlessly.
We would like to formally and publicly recognise such students and to hold them up as examples for our community. As well as writing to their parents, students were rewarded with certificates in assemblies and class meetings, and with an invitation to a special lunch with the Principal (when safe to do so).
Students were recognized for fulfilling the following criteria:
Participated considerately during Remote classes
Attended more than 90% of classes
Submitted all learning tasks during R&FL, or Demonstrated a notable increase in work submission, when compared to ‘normal’ circumstances.
Work submitted showed a desire to do their best, rather than just complete.
(As always, Rewards Cards are discretionary – please use your judgement around these criteria).