Performing Arts

The creative juices continued to flow towards the end of Term 3 with many of our students creating storyboards in Drama classes, or writing a creative story to go with a piece of instrumental music. The Performing Arts team have continued to be blown away with the commitment to learning in this sphere and we are looking forward to building on this when we return to onsite learning.
The instrumental program has continued to flourish in remote learning with students in a good routine and turning up to lessons, with their teacher Dan eager to see what skills they can develop next. For those who may be interested in learning an instrument in 2021 please see Miss Haddon for a form when you return to school. The instruments that we offer are: Vocals, Guitar, Drums, Bass Guitar & Keyboard. Spaces are limited and spots do fill up fast!
In our Year 7 & 8 music classes students have been learning about the instruments that make up an orchestra. In the last few weeks of Term 3 students were given a design brief to come up with a brand new instrument. They had to think about how it would work, what sounds it would make and what family of the orchestra it would belong. Students loved this task and it was evident how creative they are and I am looking forward to see this expand over the coming years of their schooling at JFC. I have included a picture of one of the designs from Juliet Ryan in 7C.
Remote learning has definitely been a learning experience for all involved, but for the students who have continued to show up to online classes and produce some amazing creative pieces you should be incredibly proud of yourselves! We can’t wait to have you all back on site in the creative spaces.
See you all soon!
Performing Arts Coordinator