Year 11 & 12

Hello and welcome back to the final term of 2020. It almost feels like it’s orientation all over again!
I would like to take a moment to reflect and celebrate our successes. One thing I would like to say to you all is congratulations. It’s not every day we face a global pandemic, this kind of thing happens once a century. Unfortunately, you all had to experience this during your crucial and final moments of high school, but you are all sitting here before me and have gotten through it.
I cannot tell you how proud I am, as your coordinator, of each and every one of you. You have adapted to remote and flexible learning, you have survived isolation, you have been thrown so many curve balls throughout this year, and got through it. You have faced so much adversity and uncertainty and have taken it in your stride. After this year, you will all be prepared for anything moving forward. This year has shaped the people you will be in the future, and as unfortunate as it has been, you have developed resilience and adaptability, which are some very important characteristics within any job or workplace moving forward.
So, as unfortunate this year has been, let’s take some time to acknowledge the positives and be grateful for what we have learnt through this experience. I hope that you will all take some time throughout this new normal to check in with your friends and teachers. I really hope that you all cherish coming back to school as much as I have, this difficult time has definitely given us all some time to think and also allow us to appreciate the small things in life.
As we get into the last weeks for the senior students, I would like to remind everyone regarding some announcements made during our virtual assembly this week:
- As of now, the government has made it mandatory for all students to wear face masks as coverings. Scarves, neck warmers and bandannas will not be allowed.
- All students and teachers must maintain a 1.5m distance outside of the classroom and in the common room area.
- Students are reminded to bring their own water bottles to school, as they cannot directly drink from the drinking taps.
If you would like more information regarding expectations, please feel free to give me a call directly at the college.
Thanks and have a great week.