Principal Update

As we have now commenced the final Term for 2020, I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome all our students back to learning at school. I hope you have been able to enjoy a break, and you and your family are all safe and well. On behalf of our school, I want to say a big thank you to all our students, parents and carers for your continued resilience and support throughout this year. I know remote and flexible learning has not always been easy, but through our collective efforts, our students have continued to make valuable progress in their learning. You can be confident that our school will support any student who has fallen behind to catch up.
Term 4 is important for every student, and our teachers will strive to deliver high-quality learning for everyone. Whether we’re teaching remotely or face-to-face, our focus for Term 4 is on making sure that every student is supported in their wellbeing, learning and transition needs.
I would like to pay special tribute to our Year 12 students this year. While this has clearly not been the year they expected it to be, their resilience, perseverance and grit has highlighted that they really are 'Young People of Character'. Our Class of 2020 have not enjoyed all of the rites of passage that are a part of our Year 12 program. However, they have been incredibly mature in their approach to the year, which is a credit to not only themselves, but also to their parents, teachers and all who have been guiding them.
We wish them well in their final weeks of school and in their upcoming examinations. The Class of 2020 is not defined by COVID-19, but by their collective experiences, friendships and support for each other over many years. These experiences will hold them in good stead as they move into the next and exciting phase of their life beyond school in 2021.
Following advice of the Victorian Chief Health Officer, the Victorian Government has released a staged approach for students to return to on-site schooling. The purpose of the plan is to get students back in the classroom as soon and as safely as possible without putting at risk all that has been achieved through the period of restrictions to reduce the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).
The arrangements for our school have been posted on Compass.
In Term 4 we will be focused on three key priorities:
Priority 1 - Mental health and wellbeing
Our highest priority will be the wellbeing, particularly the mental health, of every student and member of staff. This means effectively mobilising all available resources to support our most vulnerable students and enabling staff to access the relevant support services.
Priority 2 - Learning and excellence
Some of our students have thrived in the remote and flexible learning environment, others have maintained their learning progress, and others may have struggled despite their best efforts and those of their families and teachers. Our priority will be supporting both those who need it to catch up and those who have progressed to continue to extend their learning.
Priority 3 - Transitions
We will make every effort to ensure successful transitions for children moving from Grade 6 into Year 7, and the Year 12s moving into employment or further education and training.
We know some families are worried that their child may have to repeat a year due to the disruptions of coronavirus (COVID-19). There is little evidence to support the benefits of repeating a year to catch up. Instead, schools will use teaching strategies that draw on the best evidence available to help students meet their learning needs. Parents, families and carers can be confident that the best option for almost every child is to stay with their peer group.
All students are expected to attend on site once their year level has returned to on-site learning. Exceptions may exist for medically vulnerable students. It is recommended that parents/carers of students with complex medical needs seek advice from the student’s medical practitioner to support decision-making about whether on-site education is suitable.
Secondary school students aged 12 years and over must wear a face mask while at school and while travelling to and from school. As a result, all students will be expected to wear a face mask at all times.
Subject to receiving medical advice, some students are exempt from these requirements. This includes students who are over the age of 12 and are unable to wear a face mask due to the nature of their disability. This also includes students or staff who have a medical condition, such as problems with their breathing, a serious skin condition on the face, a disability or a mental health condition.
Face mask breaks are allowed for students during the day, but they should be kept brief, when seated outdoors having lunch and physically distanced.
Parents and guardians are required to wear face masks whenever they leave the house, including for school drop-off and pick-up. If they are travelling in a car alone, or only with members of their household, they do not need to wear a face mask.
At school, students will be expected to practice physical distancing where possible. Maintaining a physical distance of 1.5 meters will not always be practical in the school environment, however it is a requirement where possible.
As the main risk of introducing coronavirus (COVID-19) to the school environment is from adults, close proximity between adult members of the school community should be avoided, particularly during school drop-off and pick-up. The College encourages parents to observe physical distancing measures by not congregating in areas inside or around the school and use non-contact greetings.
At John Fawkner College we value the feedback that our families provide as a way of continually improving the work we do. Currently all Parents and Students have been sent links on Compass to complete the Annual Opinion Surveys.
Students will be completing these surveys over the next 4 weeks during class time, and parents are asked to login to compass and follow the instructions – it only takes 10-15mins to complete and can be completed anytime up to 13 November.
Whilst the College is unable to host many of our regular end of year events in 2020, we have commenced planning to ensure that we provide the recognition our students deserve as well as creating the opportunity for celebration of the years learning. In 2020, we will be hosting the Annual Awards and Graduation Ceremony online and I look forward to providing you with detailed information regarding this event in the coming weeks.
Further, for our current Year 12 students, we are planning for celebration activities and events which will take place in the final week of onsite studies.
Once again, thank you for your support as we continue to work together. I would like to thank you for your ongoing support this year in difficult times. From a school perspective, all decisions has been anchored in our collective desire to provide the very best learning program and wellbeing support for each and every student.