Identity and Mission

Gerard McNulty

Staff Spirituality Day

Last Friday, 21 August, Mount Carmel staff members took time out from what can only be considered a tumultuous year to refocus on those things that make us a ‘catholic’ community and reaffirm our commitment to educating the whole person. Central to our understanding of education is the premise that we are to educate the whole child, intellectually, emotionally, physically and spirituality. To this last point I reference the document A Framework for Formation for Mission in Catholic Education:

Faith formation of Catholic school community members is Christ centred. It is an intentional, ongoing and reflective process that focuses on the growth of individuals and communities from their lived experiences, in spiritual awareness, theological understanding, vocational motivation and capabilities for mission and service in the Church and the world.

The focus this year was on ‘Pilgrimage’. Being a pilgrim is much different from being a tourist. To demonstrate this difference I really encourage you to view the short clip by Dr Drasko Dizdar on the purpose of pilgrimage. You can access the clip by clicking here.


We would like to thank Dr Drasko Dizdar, Leanne Prichard and Anthony Chapman for not just the running of the options offered on the day but the preparation in advance.