VCAL Update 

VCAL Update

This week in VCAL is the culmination of the Year 11’s work in Applied Business. The “Shark Tank” Week. 


After working closely with Miss King and Mister Waters, they have been able to create comprehensive business pitches that will be shown to business owners in the local community, otherwise known as our “Sharks”. 


This subject has been teaching students the fundamentals of starting a business, but also organisation and responsibility as the majority of the work completed has had to be done during the stage 4 lockdown. 


I have seen some of the business proposals and I could not be prouder to be a VCAL captain. The amount of work that students have put in over lockdown has truly been reflected in their work. I am wishing all students luck for their meetings as they commence this Thursday and Friday. 

I know remote learning is not necessarily the most effective way of learning for some students, but I would like to applaud all students in VCAL for their efforts so far. All classes have shown a grand sense of comradery and all students should be extremely proud of their efforts. Congratulations VCAL!


Jack Megee

VCAL Captain