Later Years Update

Year 10 Spring into the season

Hello Year 10s.

What a re-leaf spring is upon us! Spring is the perfect time to turn over a new leaf, and what better way to do that by celebrating our new looks. What we are asking of Year 10s is to send us a photo of you with your favourite Snapchat filter, your “new look”. Pets are welcome to be in your snap.


But… why? This year has been like no other, and we would like to create a collage celebrating how far you’ve all come and to start spring with a positive spin. Ms Le and Mr Paneris will be creating a collage of the year 10s, some of which will be posted in the next newsletter and in the end of year school magazine. 


Please send your new looks to Ms Le or Mr Paneris on Teams chat or Email by 3pm Friday the 11th of September.

Phuong Le

Michael Paneris

Year 10 Level Leaders

Year 11 Remote Learning Meme Competition

This week a competition for the best Remote Learning Meme was introduced to the students. We’re hoping to see some creativity and expression of what remote learning has been like, as we know there are some challenges and some things students have enjoyed about being at home. 


There will be prizes for the top 3 as voted by the Later Years Team, and bonus points awarded for including Ms Chamberlain, Mr Davison and/or Mrs Mingos in the meme in some way. We will post the winners in the Newsletter and Compass at the end of Week 9. 

Kate Chamberlain

John Davison

Year 11 Level Leaders

Elevate Education

Year 12 students have been offered the opportunity to access a wide range of study supports this term to give them an extra edge above other schools in the lead up to the VCE exams. 

On Tuesday, students participated in an online webinar by Elevate Education. The College has partnered with Elevate over the past 2 years to build students' capacity to be more self-directed in their study habits. 


Tuesday's session was called The Finish Line and covered topics such as overcoming weaknesses in the lead up to exams, the importance of study groups, study routines for the holidays and stress management techniques. We hope all the Year 12s can put these skills into practice over the coming final months.


Over 100 families also attended the Elevate Education parent webinar this term on Motivation. Feedback from parents on the seminar was outstanding:

I've watched the last 2 Webinars on Motivation & Time Management and I've got so many useful tips and techniques that I want to implement with my daughter who's in year 8.


Interestingly, I tried to introduce a Weekly Planner to my daughter the day after the Time Management Webinar and she absolutely freaked out.  I could see she was totally overwhelmed with the whole concept, even though she kind of follows a planner anyway with school and activity times locked in week to week.  I gave her some time and we tried again, this time just blocking out hours as simply as 'school work' and 'free time'. But I think this will work with the To Do list I'm trying to get her to complete too.


Anyhoo, thank you so much for these sessions, they're so helpful and great to get some useful tips.


We encourage parents to look out for more events by Elevate Education which will be advertised on your Compass newsfeed.


Year 12 Wellbeing Webinar Series August - October 2020

Presenter: Dr Michael Carr-Gregg


A suite of unique, informative and engaging 30 minute webinars to support all VCE/VCAL students navigate your way through 2020 and beyond. You will walk away with practical and evidence-based approaches to boast mental wellness and build resilience, motivation and connectedness. These sessions run on Friday’s from 12:30 to 1:00pm. 


Use this WebEx Event: Hyperlink, Session Password: NEVR and Register - name and email required


These webinars are being recorded and made available on NEVR Year 12 Google Site


Katrina King

Later Years Catalyst Programs Leader