Middle Years Update

Hi everyone,

We have found ourselves back in remote learning for a second time. I say this speaking for everyone but I feel like we were all more prepared this time, and the remote learning process has definitely become better for all students. The teacher’s have come up with new exciting ways to keep us excited and motivated during remote learning. For example, offering new wellbeing hub activities, from yoga, to personal training and art, giving us fun exciting activities to help us connect with our classmates and something to take our mind off things.


I have definitely found this time of remote learning a lot smoother for a couple of reasons, one being that I think this time I knew what I was doing more so it wasn't so much of a new scary thing and another that I felt this time around I have had more opportunities to communicate and work with my friends and classmates, which is probably the main thing I have been missing.


The main thing I'm looking forward to after lockdown, is just being back in the classroom with my friends, classmates and teachers, because even though you can still communicate with them online it's not the same as being in the classroom. Hopefully we will be back in the classroom soon.

Take care,


Gemma Doley

Middle Years Captain

Creativity in Lockdown

Hello Middle Years community!

As promised, here are some of the amazing ways Year 7 and 8 students have been challenging themselves and inspiring and supporting others over the last couple of weeks. 


Congratulations to this week’s stars on their resilience and creativity! Tips and ideas are always welcome, please keep sharing with us and each other.


Year 7 Kindness Projects

From 7A: Positivity Week


What should we do for our community?

  • You could draw/write on the pathway with chalk and spread positive messages!
  • You could pick flowers/plant flowers for your neighbours!
  • You could write notes for your neighbours letting them know you care for them!
  • You could give them a call if you have their numbers!

What should we do for our teachers?

  • Send our teachers a message saying how much we appreciate their effort
  • We could make sure that we could put our cameras on to make them feel like they are not talking to a computer screen with no one there
  • You could talk to them on the mic and not on text so we make it more easier for them to understand what we are saying.
  • Make sure we pay attention to the teachers because we know how hard this is over computers.

What should we do for our parents? 

  • You could give your parent(s) a really big hug and tell them how much you appreciate them!
  • You could write them a letter expressing how much you love them!
  • You could make dinner for your parent(s)/family or make snacks for them!
  • You could have a movie night watching your favourite movies together!

 What should we do for our siblings?

  • You could make them some breakfast or some lunch to show them that we love them
  • You could hang out with them and do face masks, baking, eat chocolate and just do something with them
  • You could say something nice to them all the time to show them that you care especially on bad days.
  • You could help them do their stuff and give them the attention they need

What we should do for our friends?

  • You could call them everyday and check in on them!
  • You could make jokes with them and make sure you stay in contact!
  • You could, if your parents let you, drop a gift off at their house to show how much you miss them!
  • You could write them a text saying how much you love and/or appreciate them!

Created by Tahlia, Bell and Tiarnah 

Lily, Remy and Natalie, 7B


Annalise Main, 7S:


Katherine, April, Sabine & Mabel, 7S 

For our Kindness Project, we decided to make some Sweet Treats for our neighbours, to cheer them up during the Stage 4 lockdown. We all really enjoyed baking combinations of cookies, cupcakes, slices, and chocolate balls and wrote little letters for them too. We all agreed that our neighbours’ reactions when they saw the packages was really rewarding and it was nice making them smile!



Alijana Heisler, 7F


Year 8 Personal Best Projects


Nathan / 8A \ Bromfield 



My personal best project that I have chosen to do is to create a book. I have wanted to do this for a while and I started a little in year 7 but never got around to complete it but this project has given me the opportunity to finish it. I have nearly finished my book and all the short stories within it which once done will have just over 6,000 words. It was a little hard to come up with stories but some of them I knew I was going to write straight away as I chose my personal best project as something that I love which is creative writing. 


At first my goal was to write a couple decent stories for the book but I felt like I wanted to write more and more so I did. The genre I like to write is Sci-fi or horror, which you think you know what’s going to happen but it’s the complete opposite. It just makes you re-think everything and that’s what I love about composing my story.  


Lennix Rode-Bramanis, 8A 

For my personal best I had decided to learn how to juggle. I have chosen to learn how to juggle because it practices hand eye coordination and can increase my concentration.  I have broken down this task by simplifying it into goals such as goal one, learn to juggle scarfs, goal two learn how to juggle balls, juggle balls for 1 minute. Here is proof that I have juggled the balls and followed the steps.          


Bianca Mizzi, 8A

For my personal best project, I learnt how to bake a cake from scratch. I made a lemon cake with a lemon cream cheese frosting. After making the cake, I wasn’t happy with what it looked so I decided to make another cake. This cake was a lemon sponge cake, dusted in icing sugar. This cake tasted a lot nicer and looked a lot more  presentable.    


Cake 1: 


 Cake 2: 


Belle Mattern, 8H

I have chosen my personal best to be redoing my room. I have painted and redecorated everything so now it is more me. I have dark blue walls with a new bed and shelves and a lot of fake plants. I chose this because my room hasn’t changed in 12 years and I really want something that I can look at and really love.