Primary School News
Book Week 2020.
Primary School News
Book Week 2020.
It has been a busy few weeks in Primary, with a great deal of learning and fun around the classrooms. From the physics of paper planes, to the inner workings of volcanoes and exploring 3D shape with lollies, not only did the learning challenge students it was also lots of fun! I recently had the great pleasure of reading through the Year 2 narratives which demonstrated the students have worked incredibly hard to write imaginative, well-structured stories that show great attention to detail. I was impressed by some of their fantastic similes!
To conclude Curious Creatures, Wild Minds Book Week for 2020, on Friday 28 August, we hosted another creative celebration led by Digital Technologies teacher, Haylee Godfrey. The link for the virtual assembly will be sent early next week for parents and guardians to watch. The children are always excited to dress up for this occasion. I think there might have even been a curious creature, quite penguin-like in the carpark too!
Bishop Jeremy’s visit
On Wednesday 26 August, we were fortunate to have The Right Reverend Jeremy James tssf, Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Perth, visit John Wollaston for the day. Bishop Jeremy is an engaging speaker and during morning Chapel services, shared with students the Parable of the Sower, and the importance of listening more than speaking. He then toured the Primary School, visiting many classes before joining the Secondary students for Chapel services and activities. It was lovely to have Bishop Jeremy with us.
Scott House Day
We celebrated Scott House Day on Wednesday 26 August. Whilst students in all Houses attended a Chapel service with Bishop Jeremy, Scott House students in Years 2 to 12 enjoyed a sausage sizzle lunch and games with their Secondary Scott House peers. Our younger students were visited by the Year 6 Scott House students who assisted them in making daffodils.
Students Online
This week, Dean of Pastoral Care Primary, Melissa Cuming wrote to all families of Years 4 to 6 students regarding student mobile phone usage and keeping children safe online. If your child is in the younger years and you would like a copy, please contact Primary Secretary, Donna Brown via SEQTA to request one.
The SEEDS Project Speaker Series is hosting an upcoming community event to support families in this challenging area. The event, Keeping Our Children Safe Online with Paul Litherland promises to be a useful and engaging presentation with tips for parents and guardians. I look forward to seeing you at this important event on Monday 7 September 2020 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm.
School Photos
At the end of last week we had our last session of School Photographs. Our youngest students, the Little Wollies, ventured to the BDISC with their teacher, Chloe Devereaux and Education Assistant, Tamara Bailey where they did a wonderful job of smiling for the camera! I was so impressed with the pride students have shown during the photo sessions this year. Our uniform, when worn correctly, looks so smart. Thank you to parents and guardians for the effort you are making in sending students to school looking so well-presented.
Kind regards
Tracey Rogers
Head of Primary
Written by Ruby and Lilia
We were making worm farms and we had lots of fun doing it. We had an amazing time setting the things up and seeing the worms wriggle about in their new home. Here are some photos of our new worm farm: