Wishing you a lifetime of success

Completing the Higher School Certificate is a milestone moment in a young person’s life. 


The HSC represents the completion of your school education after 13 years and the commencement of your journey into adulthood.  It is a time of high stress and challenge - you are immersed in learning and you are being continually assessed.  Attaining an HSC is a great achievement in persistence and diligence. Congratulations!


This year has been one of the most difficult years in recent history. You have been faced with devastating bushfires, floods and a global pandemic, COVID 19, that has left our society reeling. School learning went remote and we have had evolving restrictions. However, you persevered!  As a cohort, you have overcome these obstacles to demonstrate that you all possess tenacity that will serve you in the trials you will face throughout your life journey. 

It has been my honour to serve as your Deputy Principal.  You have shown such a generosity of spirit. These last two years I witnessed some of you battle great adversity. 

I also witnessed your kindness, ensuring your friends were supported.   


Class of 2020 you are an array of gifted individuals. You will build the world of my grandchildren through the lessons of endurance, adaptability and self-reliance that you learnt this year. Pursue every dream, go as far as you can dream and always remember your Cecil family. 


As you prepare to enter the next chapter of your life, remember to thank your parents and family for their unwavering support.  For parents it is a bittersweet time, watching the child(ren) they have cherished complete a rite of passage into adulthood.  If your parents and family have a tear in their eye, they are probably remembering your first day at kindergarten and find it hard to reconcile how quickly the years have passed to your graduation day!


I would like to share a thought from Oprah Winfrey:


“Forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion.  Honour your calling.  Everybody has one. Trust your heart and success will come to you”.

Class of 2020, I wish each and every one of you a lifetime of success measured by what you deem important to you. 


Mrs Haskett, Deputy Principal