From the Principal's Desk

Athletic's Day Wrap
Our Sport's Day was a huge success this week with children enjoying a range of athletic-based activities under perfectly blue skies.
A huge thank you to Mr Dan Palanca for orchestrating the event and to our staff and parent volunteers who manned the activities.
It was one of our tightest-scoring carnivals ever with Mannix (Blue Team) just edging out MacKillop and Chisholm to be crowned champions for 2023!
Footsteps Dance Presentation
Over the past eight weeks, all children have participated in our Footsteps Dance Program and this Friday (24th March) will be showcasing their dance moves for all to see!
Families are welcome to join us in the central courtyard for a 2:30 pm start.
Easter Raffle
This week each family will receive a book of raffle tickets to sell to family and friends for our traditional Easter raffle. Tickets are $1.00 each. Raffle money needs to be returned to the office by Wednesday 5th April.
The raffle will be drawn on Thursday 6th April at around 12:30 pm in the Gathering Space.
Easter Egg Donation
In order to create the prizes for the Easter Egg Raffle, we are having an Easter egg donation day on Monday 3rd April. On this day we ask that each family send in an Easter Egg/Bunny so that we can package them into prizes for the raffle. Easter egg donations are to be placed on the tables in the Community Hall upon arrival at school.
We are also looking for donations of cane baskets (or the like) to package our Easter egg prizes. These can be donated at any time and handed in at the school office.
Easter Egg Wrapping Morning
We will be holding an Easter egg wrapping morning (to wrap all our raffle prizes) on Monday 3rd April straight after assembly. If you are able to help, please make your way up to the hall after assembly. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Timetable Changes
Over the weeks leading up to the end of term, our timetable will alter to allow teachers to plan extensively for Term 2.
Notifications will be sent out by class teachers should children need to wear their sports uniform on different days.
School Photos
This week you will receive your order forms for school photos. School photos will be taken on Thursday 27th April in the first week back of Term 2.
Please do not return the order form to the school. Cash orders will not be accepted.
To order, simply go to enter your personal Order and ID Numbers (found on your order form) and follow the prompts.
Photos will be sent to the school for us to distribute. Orders placed prior to 3rd May will be postage free.
Sibling photos will also be offered. Details as to how to order can be found on your Order Form.
On photo day, children are to wear the correct Summer Uniform. The Summer Uniform is:
Boys: Blue short sleeve shirt, grey shorts, grey socks, black shoes
Girls: Summer dress, white socks, black shoes (stockings/tights are not to be worn)
Jumpers may be worn throughout the day but will be removed for the photos. The Student Leaders, Sports Leaders and Social Justice Leaders need to wear their badges for photos.
As per our policy, long hair is to be tied back using blue/black or white hair accessories!
Photos commence at 9:00 am sharp so please have children at school on time and presented neatly.
We understand that on this day some classes have PE. Children can bring a pair of runners to change into later if they choose.
God bless
Anthony Hyde