Diary Dates
A full 'live' calendar can be found on our School Website via https://www.cckingsville.catholic.edu.au/calendar/
Diary Dates
A full 'live' calendar can be found on our School Website via https://www.cckingsville.catholic.edu.au/calendar/
21st-24th Open Week
22nd - PSG Meetings
24th - Footsteps Dance Presentation @ 2:30pm
27th - PSG Meetings
29th - PSG Meetings
30th - AFL Victoria Football Clinics
- Year Prep Circus Incursion @ 11:30 am
31st - PSG Meetings
3rd - Easter egg donation and wrapping day
4th- Bishop Martin Ashe to visit Confirmation candidates 10:30 am
5th - Years 1-6 Learning Conferences 2:00 pm-8:00 pm
Students finish at 1:00 pm
6th - Holy Week celebration commencing at 11:45 am
- Easter Raffle @12:30 pm
End of Term 1: Students finish at 1:00 pm
24th - Term 2 Commences
25th - ANZAC DAY
26th - School Advisory Council Meeting @ 7:00pm
26th - School Advisory Board Meeting @ 7:00pm
27th - School Photo Day
28th - Year 5/6 Interschool Sports Winter Competition Commences
30th - Confirmation Mass @ 11:00 am
12th - Mothers' Day Breakfast
- Mothers' Day Stall
17th- School Advisory Council Meeting @ 7:00pm
23rd - Eucharist (Yr 3 Parent/Child) Worksop @ 6:30 pm
18th -First Eucharist @ 11:00 am
21st - Learning Expo
23rd - Reports and Portfolios distributed to students
- End of Term 2 Students finish at 1:00 pm
Sacrament of Confirmation (Year 6):
Sunday 30th April 11:00 am
Sacrament of the Eucharist (Year 3):
Sunday 18th June 11:00 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Year 2):
Tuesday 17th October 6:30 pm