Religious Education and Social Justice

Project Compassion Donations

As we continue our journey through the season of Lent we encourage families to continue to send along some money for children to place in the Project Compassion boxes in each community to support the work of Caritas Australia. 


We thank you for the $80 donated so far. This amount of money could give 4 children in Zimbabwe access to education and help them attend school for one term. The more money we raise the more people Caritas Australia can assist in Australia and around the world. 

One of the Catholic Social Teachings, The Common Good,  focuses on the principle of every person having access to the goods and resources of society so that they can have fulfilling lives. The common good is reached when we work together to improve the wellbeing of people in our society and the wider world. This week we learn about the story of Tereesa and how Carita Australia has assisted her. 

Faces of Project Compassion

Tereesa is a Gamilaroi woman from Western Sydney who struggled with homelessness while raising her four children. Through the Baabayn Young Mums and Bubs Group, Tereesa was able to reconnect with her culture and create a better future for her children.

Prayer for the Common Good

O God, 

you have given all people 

one common origin and desire 

to gather them into one family for yourself. 

Fill our hearts with the fire of your love 

and kindle in us a desire 

to ensure the common good 

for all our sisters and brothers. 

By sharing with one another, 

may we secure justice for all people, 

an end to division 

and a society built on justice, 

love and peace. 

Through Christ our Lord. 



Jane Wilkinson

Religious Education Leader