Kings Park Campus Principal Message

Kings Park Campus Welcome to Term 1, 2023
Welcome back to all our returning students and their families for the 2023 school year. A special welcome to Kings Park Campus to our new Year 7 students and their families! It has been an exciting and seamless commencement to the school year. We have seen lots of smiling faces in our classes and around the school yard and our students have settled-in well.
Our Campus Student Management Leadership Team consists of the following staff members and we encourage families to ask for them by name when you contact the General Office.
- Bobby Todorovki – Campus Leader Years 7 & 8
- Tina Tsaloukis – D Team Leader (7 & 8)
- Tara Causer - L team Leader (7 & 8)
- Heath Simpson – Campus Leader Years 9 & 10
- Natascha Moody – C Team (9 & 10)
- Deanne Geyer – T Team (9 & 10)
We continue to be well resourced to support our students’ well being and mental health. Our Campus Student Well Being Team is also available to be contacted, please ask for;
- Mary Scott- Student Wellbeing Coordinator
- Jane Williamson- Student Wellbeing Coordinator
- Jade Tauber- Myers- Inclusive Practices
We also welcome the following new staff to our Campus;
- Kyle Latch
- Kelly Pham
Returning Staff:
- Angelic Ferreira
- Sabina Serrano
Campus Transfer;
- Bobby Todorovski
- Nahide Dolu
- Jim Konjarski
- Michael Gruis
We held two days of Year 7 transition activities this year in order to ensure students had a positive and supportive introduction to the Campus. It also provided multiple opportunities for students to make friends from other primary schools and to ‘get to
know’ their classroom teachers. Students participated in an array of activities including a scavenger hunt to increase their knowledge of the Campus and the Campus environment, SWPB (School-Wide Positive Behaviour) activities of expected student behaviours, social and emotional wellbeing activities and a performance by Brainstorm Productions, a bullying prevention program.
We had our first full Campus assembly on the first day of school (for all students). The assembly was led by Campus Student Leaders and we had musical performances by both students and staff.
We spoke with all students about our 2023 Campus goals;
Attendance and Belonging: Students at school, in class on time, and remaining in class (AIP) (Attendance 78% / 10 days per term absent (1 day each week); Late (Unapp.) 12,019 Periods /Ave.18)
Use of Routines: Use of fluid seating arrangements based on student data and need (AIP; Aspirational Learning Environment)
Pride in the Environment: Respect for the environment students learn, play and socialise in, and in which we work (e.g. classrooms, corridors, toilets and the yard) (Physical Environment as a stressor 12%; State 5%)
Student Acknowledgement: Notice when students do the ‘right thing’ or strive for their personal best, and let them know (KP: Positives, 2980; Needs Improvement; 2570). (AIP; ALE)
It is pleasing to see the high number of genuine positive Compass posts, recognition of the many good things our students do. We thank teachers for taking the time to let students know that you notice them when they demonstrate the best versions of themselves.
Behaviour Deserves
- 356
Attitude Below
- 114
We presented our six Year 7 Scholarships holders with their laptop last week. The holders are;
- Isabella Moulton 7D1
- Kathy Tran 7D1
- Tlam Pai Tui Muk 7D1
- Angelina Issa 7D1
- Eliya Masonga 7D2
- Jaiden Vo 7L2
also able to ask any questions about university life as they enjoyed the city and university experience.
* Photo is not for distribution
Kings Park Meet and Greet
We held our Meet and Greet during the first week of February. It was well attended and provided a great opportunity for parents/careers of ‘new’ students to meet their child’s Home Group Teacher as well as other members of staff. We also took parents/carers on a ‘tour’ of student classroom blocks and Home Group Classrooms.
Elevate Study Skills
All students in Years 7 and 8 participated in an Elevate Study Skills Workshop. The Year 7 workshop focussed on reading for meeting (dynamic reading), formatting notes and mind mapping. The Year 7 workshop included time management, homework time, revision time and meeting deadlines.
RMIT Tertiary Experience for Year 10 Students
Over two days we sent C and T Team Year 10 students to RMIT to experience university life for the day. They were hosted by past SNAP school students from local area schools that are currently studying at University. Our Copperfield students engaged in tutorial type sessions from Science and Arts faculties. They were
Kings Park Student Basketball Program
We have sessions starting as early as 7:30am for our aspirant student basketballers. They have been focusing on skill development at the moment and there is a lot of excitement from the athletes and coaches as we prepare for our first tournament this term.
Thank you to all our families for continuing to trust us with your child’s education. Looking forward to continuing our partnership,
Mr Lance Petherick and Dr Michael Gruis Campus Principals